The implied warrant is that women get abortions without the fathers’ approval. Women should not abort their babies without the consent of the family members or other parties involved which does not include the government. The pro-life group is trying to get the attention of the public, mainly women to stop abortions.
The backing is implied that abortions are considered murder; also the backing is stated on the picture once again by saying “If the mother had decided to not kill our child!” The billboard is suggesting that women and medical professionals that perform or help abortions are being labeled as murderers. It is also reinforcing the obvious to persuade women to stop getting abortions.
A rebuttal is implied against the position that abortions are a woman’s right to have a choice. Others may say that abortions are okay in the event of rape, incest, and health reasons because any other reason is considered murder. Some may ask why the father was not notified prior to the procedure being done.