Please respond to each prompt in at least 100 words. These are thought responses and will require no references, just your thoughts on the prompts.
Prompt 1:
Hughes (2018), explains that transformational leadership changes the status quo by appealing to followers’ values and their sense of higher purpose. Transformational leaders articulate the problems in the current system and have a compelling vision of what a new society or organization could be. This new vision of society is intimately linked to the values of both the leader and the followers; it represents an ideal that is congruent with their leaders are also adept at reframing issues; they point out how the problems or issues facing followers can be resolved if they fulfill the leader’s vision of the future. These leaders also teach followers how to become leaders in their own right and incite them to play active roles in the change movement. Transformational leaders are charismatic because they can articulate a compelling vision of the future and form strong emotional attachments with followers.
I think transformational leadership would work well where employees owned their own shares of the company and were just as invested as leadership that the business does well. I don’t think transformational leadership would work well in the military. It is high stress environment where hierarchical leadership is necessary to accomplish a mission.
Hughes, R. (2018). <i>Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience</i> (9th ed.). McGraw- Hill Higher Education.
Prompt 2:
According to Hughes et al. (2018), transformational leadership is defined as a leadership style that challenges the status quo by appealing to follower’s values and their sense of higher purpose. Transformational leaders are able to assess the given situational context, identify key areas for improvement, and are able to create a palatable vision that will hopefully be deemed valid and worthy of investment by the followers.
I personally believe that no organization, society, or country is perfect and there is always going to be something that can be streamlined or improved upon – especially when dealing with a larger population (the more people involved, the greater potential for discontent and discord); thus, I believe transformational leadership should be desirable for all organizations and industries. With globalization, job sourcing, technological advances, and innumerable social changes happening simultaneously it is important that organizations, municipalities, and governments have transformative leaders who are forward-thinking, forward-looking, observational, and well-spoken in expressing their vision plan. Constant innovation has been excellent for the business world; however, it also shows the necessity for leaders who are extremely adaptable, flexible, and able to motivate their followers in pursuit of their organization’s highest goals.