Before reading the two plays assigned in this unit, please take a look at the playwright's bio contained in the headnotes that precede each play to gain a better understanding of not only the playwright but also potentially insightful background information on a play:
The time period during which a particular playwright lived and wrote;
Personal motivations for writing the play;
Common themes covered by the playwright; and
A complete bibliography of the playwright's work.
Use your detective skills! Based on the evidence gathered by the female characters in the play, please describe the late Minnie Wright's character. What was she like before and after she married? What was her daily existence like? What were her desires? Joys? Expertise? Please quote specific lines from the play to support your response.
Please also discuss the character of Mrs. Peters. Why is she an important character? What is her attitude? How does it change by the end of the play? Please quote specific lines from the play to support your response. Please post your comments about Minnie Wright and Mrs. Peters by Tuesday.
Please check back and reply to the posts of at least two classmates by Tuesday. Please add to their descriptions, or if you detect any discrepancies, gently suggest correct details.