A3 : This assignment is often among the favorite assignments of students completing this course. You are asked to think of a relatively "simple" task, in this case driving a motor vehicle, and consider the role of various brain structures in your ability to engage in this activity. You might need to use the textbook index to find some of the listed structures, and at least one structure (prefrontal cortex) is not specifically mentioned in your textbook, so you'll need to do a quick internet search to learn the function of that structure.
A4 : This assignment covers the material from your textbook on Sleep, Dreams and Drugs. You will complete a short (and hopefully fun) online activity called "Mouse Party" that will help you distinquish between various psychoactive drugs in terms of their effects on the nervous system (ALL psychoactive drugs produce their effects by tweaking the neurochemicals in your brain; you learned about neurochemicals in our neuroscience unit, so this material should be somewhat familiar). You will also be asked to explain one of your dreams (you can use someone elses' dream if you prefer, since it really doesn't matter what dream you use) using the 5 dream theories presented in your textbook. Each theory has a slightly different twist on explaining what your dream "means" or how it originates.