Problem Diagnosis
Problem Diagnosis: Topics Is mainly Uber (taxi service) and also Uber (eats)
A SWOT analysis: identify strengths and weaknesses of the business in light of its opportunities and threats, and then assess how these strengths and weaknesses have contributed to the firm’s problems. Only part needs to be done is weaknesses and threats.
Strengths: (example)
Uber (Rides):
One of Uber’s main revenue stream is through its ridesharing services that contains Uber transit, Uber health, Uber freight and Uber business. It has lower competition as it targets a “selective taxi market to a wider range of willing participants” (Martin et. al., 2019, p.159). Aside from the company’s rider range of participants, it also allows flexible work times for employees. One of its service, UberPOP “enabled non-professionals to drive customers in their free time (e.g. after theirregular working hours or during weekends) to boost their personal finances” (Martin et. al., 2019, p.159).
Uber’s delivery services are more competitive in its service prices than taxi services. In 2015, the estimated UberX, a ride service, “created $6.8 billion of consumer surplus” (Hall & Price, 2018) while the estimated NY taxi industry only generated $257 million is annual consumer surplus (Beales, 2016). The consumer surplus for Uber is much higher than the taxi industry which is a strong indicator that majority of the consumers that choose to use ride services prefer Uber over taxi. The incentive is also better for the Uber drivers because of the surge pricing as it indirectly encourages the drivers to be in the market “for the possibility of gaining higher fares than regular ones”(Martin et. al., 2019, p.159).
The cashless payment method is an advantage to Uber as it is very convenient for the company, drivers and consumers. The fare fees that Uber withholds is around “20–25% where the remainder is then transferred to the driver’s bank account” (Martin et. al., 2019, p.159).
Weaknesses (needs to be done): Mainly focus on Uber (rides) also talk about Uber (eats),%243.13%20billion%20in%20Q3%202020. Mention the labor cost cuts
Threats: (needs to be done): Mainly focus on Uber (rides) also talk about Uber (eats)
. SWOT analysis
SWOT ISAN acronym which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunitiesand threats (Chapman, 2015). ‘SWOT analyses are commonly used in business and are an effort to aid with organizational evaluation when strategizing’ (Feldmann, Level and Liu, 2013, 100). As a manager, you can use this simple tool to assess both internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) within your service or organization. You can also use the SWOT analysis framework to assess specific aspects of your service such as promotion and marketing and use your findings to shape future strategies and action plans.
This framework is largely subjective and subsequently has been adapted by new professionals to plan their approaches to personal development (Woods, 2011) and to address specific challenging situations (Ruddock, 2010). It is a really simple framework, which can help an individual to capture some ideas quickly and easily, using this as a basis to develop a more detailed action plan.
The completed SWOT analysis can be discussed with the individual at appraisal and can also be included in any personal portfolios either within the organization, or for professional registrations such as Chartership (CILIP, 2014). It could also be used to problem-solve a single issue, or to plan for a specific project.
The Table 81.1 demonstrates how the SWOT framework can be used to
Table 81.1 Personal SWOT Analysis by Tracey Pratchett STRENGTHS
(Internal factors – skills, knowledge and attributes which I can draw upon to improve success) • Ability to build and maintain strong working relationships (LIHNN, Neonatal Outreach service).
• Quick to learn new resources (Dialog databases).
• Innovative approach to work and keen to improve services (Clinical Librarian Systematic Review, MAP Toolkit).
WEAKNESSES (Internal factors – attributes which can hinder my career success if unchecked) • Tendency to take on too much work due to over-enthusiasm. Must learn how to say no!
• Find it difficult to delegate due to perfectionism.
• Limited understanding of critical appraisal and statistics.
• Limited experience of carrying out complex searches.
OPPORTUNITIES (External factors – things outside my personal sphere which I can use to achieve my goals) • LIHNN and HCLU networks provide a range of opportunities to learn from others and become involved in regional projects.
• Opportunities within the organization to collaborate with clinical and non-clinical staff (Neonatal Outreach, Commercial and Service Development).
THREATS (External factors – things outside my personal sphere which could be a barrier to my success) • Cutbacks in NHS may result in reduced resources, which could reduce the opportunities available for professional development.
• Increasing workload due to staff leaving and not being replaced makes it difficult to extend outreach service.
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Co py ri gh t © 2 01 6. F ac et P ub li sh in g. A ll r ig ht s re se rv ed . Ma y no t be r ep ro du ce d in a ny f or m wi th ou t pe rm is si on f ro m th e pu bl is he r, e xc ep t fa ir u se s pe rm it te d un de r U. S. o r
ap pl ic ab le c op yr ig ht l aw .
EBSCO Publishing : eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 3/2/2021 8:47 PM via DALHOUSIE UNIV AN: 1421655 ; Pratchett, Tracey, Young, Gil.; Practical Tips for Developing Your Staff Account: s8921610
gather content for a more detailed personal development plan. The author was a new clinical librarian preparing her route to Chartership (CILIP, 2014). The Mind Tools website (Mind Tools, 2015) provides some useful advice about how a SWOT analysis can help individuals to analyse their current situation and plan their personal development. It describes SWOT as a powerful tool which ‘can help you uncover opportunities that you would not otherwise have spotted . . . by understanding your weaknesses, you can manage and eliminate threats that might otherwise hurt your ability to move forward’ (Mind Tools, 2015). It can focus the individual’s mind and help them to take action, using strengths to their advantage, action planning to improve weaker areas, identifying new opportunities and bringing an awareness of threats to their current status.
The Mind Tools website also provides an extensive list of questions that can be used to focus the individual’s mind on each area of the framework. The tool can work well for some individuals to assess internal and external factors, but due to human nature, it can be difficult to reflect openly and fully. Some individuals find it difficult to identify their strengths, but will have no problem developing a huge list of weaknesses, which could undermine morale. Alternatively, it can be difficult to identify potential threats as these are often external factors which may not only be outside our control, but also outside our sphere of awareness.
As a manager or peer, you could work with individuals using coaching techniques and your skills to help them to be honest and balanced when identifying their strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This involves being honest and sensitive to ensure that the answers come from the individual, not you, as this approach is largely subjective. It is worth bearing in mind that the SWOT analysis is just one tool and whilst being a simple approach, it could be over-simplistic for some situations which may need more detailed and ongoing coaching.
l Best for � Providing an honest assessment of an individual’s current situation to identify where they can make changes for the future. The next stage should be to complete a personal action plan to address some of their weaknesses and harness strengths.
� Identifying personal strengths which can be used to create new opportunities.
� Developing strategies to improve upon weaker areas. � Identifying opportunities which can be exploited to improve career prospects. � Reducing the impact of threats on career and personal development.
Pratchett & Y_Practical tips_TEXT PROOF_05 01/11/2016 14:18 Page 212
Co py ri gh t © 2 01 6. F ac et P ub li sh in g. A ll r ig ht s re se rv ed . Ma y no t be r ep ro du ce d in a ny f or m wi th ou t pe rm is si on f ro m th e pu bl is he r, e xc ep t fa ir u se s pe rm it te d un de r U. S. o r
ap pl ic ab le c op yr ig ht l aw .
EBSCO Publishing : eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 3/2/2021 8:47 PM via DALHOUSIE UNIV AN: 1421655 ; Pratchett, Tracey, Young, Gil.; Practical Tips for Developing Your Staff Account: s8921610