Review the income statement which is Exhibit 11.2 on page 327 of our text and the balance sheet which is Exhibit 12.2 on page 356.
Describe the differences or changes from 2015 to 2016 relating to the income and expenses of the firm.
EXHIBIT 11.2 Good Samaritan Medical Center: 2016 2015 Operating revenues Statements of Patient service revenue $150,118 $123,EXHIBIT 12.2 Good Samaritan 2016 2015 Medical Center: ASSETS Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2016 and 2015 in Current asset
EXHIBIT 11.2 Good Samaritan Medical Center: 2016 2015 Operating revenues Statements of Patient service revenue $150,118 $123,565 Operations for Years Ended Less: Provision for bad debts 1,800 2,000 December 31 Net patient service revenue $148,118 $121,765 2016 and 2015 (in Premium revenue 18,782 16,455 Thousands) Other revenue 3.079 2,704 Net operating revenues $169.979 $140,924 Expenses Salaries and benefits $126,223 $102,334 Supplies 20,568 18,673 Insurance 4518 3.710 Lease 3,189 2,603 Depreciation 6,405 5.798 Interest 5.329 3.476 Total expenses $166,232 $136,594 $ 4.330 Operating income $3.747 Nonoperating income $ 198 Contributions 243 Investment income 3.870 3.678 $ 4,113 Total nonoperating income $3.876 Excess of revenues over expenses (net income) $7,860 $8,206
EXHIBIT 12.2 Good Samaritan 2016 2015 Medical Center: ASSETS Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2016 and 2015 in Current assets S 12,102 6,486 Cash and cash equivalents Thousands) Short-term investments 5,000 10,000 Net patient accounts receivable 28,509 25.927 Inventories 3.695 2,302 54306 $39.715 Total current assets Long-term investments 31,837 54,059 Net property and equipment 52,450 49.549 $160,815 $121.101 Total assets LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current liabilities $ 3.345 $ 4.334 Notes payable Accounts payable 6,933 5.022 Accrued expenses 6,069 5.037 15425 15.315 Total current liabilities Long-term debt 85.322 53.578 Total liabilities $100,747 $68,893 Net assets Unrestricted $54,068 $46,208 Temporarily restricted 1,000 1,000 Permanently restricted 5.000 5,000 $60,068 $52,208 Total net assets $160,815 $121.101 Total liabilities and net assets