Business databases are online collections of thousands of:
market research reports
company and industry financials
SWOT analyses
...and more!
Business databases offer:
Free access to otherwise expensive information,
Immediate online access to articles from thousands of scholarly journals and business publications, and
Features that allow you to save, export, and share data, charts, and graphs
Databases are always available, on or off campus, with your WilmU username and password.One business-related database available through the Library is Business Source Ultimate which contains information about national and international business. Please select other library databases (more than one) that the library recommends for business research.
Mergent Intellect
Value Line
Psyc Info
Regional Business News
10 points
Question 3
Trade Journal CoversTRADE PUBLICATIONS: One of the best ways to find information on an industry is to look for trade publications. Articles in trade publications (such as Automotive News, Beverage World, and Institutional Investor and others displayed above) are written for readers who work in that industry. Trade publications feature articles, ads, special reports, and more on industries, companies, executives, consumers, and business trends. Since these publications are so specialized, they are likely to address a variety of issues, viewpoints, and perspectives related to the subject matter. Most common trade publications have good reputations with experts in the industry and provide verifiable, trustworthy information.Select the answer that best describes trade journals: