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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Buchbinder, Sharon Bell, editor. | Shanks, Nancy H., editor. Title: Introduction to health care management / [edited by] Sharon B.
Buchbinder and Nancy H. Shanks. Description: Third edition. | Burlington, Massachusetts : Jones & Bartlett
Learning, [2015] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2015040132 | ISBN 9781284081015 (paper) Subjects: | MESH: Health Services Administration. | Efficiency, Organizational. | Health
Care Costs. | Leadership. Classification: LCC RA971 | NLM W 84.1 | DDC 362.1–dc23 LC record available at
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We dedicate this book to our loving husbands, Dale Buchbinder and Rick Shanks—
Who coached, collaborated, and coerced us to “FINISH THE THIRD EDITION!”
CHAPTER 1 An Overview of Health Care Management Jon M. Thompson, Sharon B. Buchbinder, and Nancy H. Shanks
Introduction The Need for Managers and Their Perspectives Management: Definition, Functions, and Competencies Management Positions: The Control in the Organizational
Heirarchy Focus of Management: Self, Unit/Team, and Organization Role of the Manager in Establishing and Maintaining
Organizational Culture Role of the Manager in Talent Management Role of the Manager in Ensuring High Performance Role of the Manager in Leadership Development and
Succession Planning Role of the Manager in Innovation and Change
Management Role of the Manager in Health Care Policy Research in Health Care Management Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 2 Leadership Louis Rubino
Leadership vs. Management
History of Leadership in the U.S. Contemporary Models Leadership Styles Leadership Competencies Leadership Protocols Governance Barriers and Challenges Ethical Responsibility Important New Initiatives Leaders Looking to the Future Special Research Issues Conclusion
CHAPTER 3 Management and Motivation Nancy H. Shanks and Amy Dore
Introduction Motivation—The Concept History of Motivation Theories of Motivation A Bit More About Incentives and Rewards Why Motivation Matters Motivated vs. Engaged—Are the Terms the Same? Measuring Engagement Misconceptions About Motivation and Employee
Satisfaction Motivational and Engagement Strategies Motivating Across Generations Managing Across Generations Research Opportunities in Management and Motivation Conclusion
CHAPTER 4 Organizational Behavior and Management Thinking Sheila K. McGinnis