Minimum page length: 3
Maximum page length: 5
Minimum number of sources:
This quarter, each student will write two (2) introductions to a Latinx movement of their choosing. Below is a list of topics, but these are just to provide an idea, it is not mandatory to choose from the list. All movement topics will require approval and a short explanation as to why they have been chosen. Deadlines for the explanations and the movement papers will be in the START HERE page of the Weekly Module in which it is due.
For the possibility of full credit, Movement Introductions should cover:
Primary time span (years/specific dates)
Major players (originators, icons, central figures)
Location (state/city/region)
Galvanizing moment (if applicable)
Major influences and/or instigating situation or movement
Effect/affect on larger Latinx community
Cultural/social relevance