1. Open the start file EX2019-Capstone-Level1. Note: If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the worksheet so you can modify it
2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it
3. Insert a new worksheet and rename it: MobileSales
4. If necessary, move the MobileSales worksheet so it appears first in the workbook.
5. Enter the text and sales data as shown in the table below. Check your work carefully.
Top’t Corn Mobile Sales (September)
Truck Location
Farragut Square
K Street
Old Bay
Sea Salt and Caramel
7. Format the data as follows:
a. Apply the Accent1 cell style to cell A1.
b. Apply the Light Green fill color to cell B2. Use the fifth color from the left in the row of Standard colors.
c. Apply the White, Background 1 font color to cell B2. Use the first color at the left in the first row of Theme colors.
d. Merge and center the worksheet title across cells A1:E1.
e. Merge and center cells B2:E2.
f. Bold cells B3:E3.
g. Apply the Accounting Number Format with 0 digits after the decimal to cells B4:E6.
h. AutoFit columns A:E.
8. Calculate total sales for each of the truck locations.
a. Enter the word Total in cell A7.
b. Enter a SUM function in cell B7 to calculate the total of cells B4:B6.
c. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to cells C7:E7.
d. Apply the Total cell style to cells A7:E7.
9. Insert a pie chart (2-D Pie) to show the Old Bay sales for the month by location. Each piece of the pie should represent the Old Bay sales for a single location. Note: You must complete this step correctly in order to receive points for completing the next step. Check your work carefully.
10. Modify the pie chart as follows:
a. Apply the Layout 6 Quick Layout.
b. Move the chart so it appears below the sales data.
11. Insert a clustered column chart (2-D Column) to show the sales for each type of popcorn for each location. Do not include the totals. Hint: You may need to switch the row/column after inserting the chart. Note: You must complete this step correctly in order to receive points for completing the next step. Check your work carefully.
12. Modify the column chart as follows:
a. If necessary, modify the chart so each location is represented by a data series and the popcorn types are listed along the x axis.
b. Change the chart title to: September Sales by Popcorn Type
c. Apply the Style 7 chart Quick Style.
d. Display the chart data labels using the Outside End option.
e. If necessary, move the chart so it is next to the pie chart and the top of the charts are aligned.
13. Preview how the worksheet will look when printed, and then apply print settings to print the worksheet on a single page. Hint: If you have one of the charts selected, deselect it before previewing the worksheet. Preview the worksheet again when you are finished to check your work.
a. Change the orientation so the page is wider than it is tall.
b. Change the printing scale so all columns will print on a single page.
14. Top’t Corn is considering a new truck purchase. Calculate the total cost of the loan.
a. Change the color of the TruckLoan worksheet tab to Yellow. Use the fourth color from the left in the row of Standard colors.
b. Set the width of column B to 16.
c. In cell B6, enter a formula to calculate the total paid over the life of the loan (the monthly payment amount in cell B4 * the number of payments in cell B2). Use cell references.
d. In cell B7, enter a formula to calculate the total interest paid over the life of the loan (the total payments in cell B6 - the original price of the truck in cell B1). Use cell references.
e. Apply borders using the Thick Outside Borders option around cells A6:B7.
15. Complete the following steps in the TysonsStore2019 worksheet:
a. In cell F2, enter a formula to calculate the daily total in dollars. Multiply the value in the Daily Total (# Sold) column by the current price per box in cell I1. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy the formula to cells F3:F31.
b. In cell I3, enter a formula to calculate the average daily sales in dollars.
c. In cell I4, enter a formula to find the lowest daily sales in dollars.
d. In cell I5, enter a formula to find the highest daily sales in dollars.
16. Save and close the workbook.