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Visual c# 2012 how to program solutions manual

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Trademarks DEITEL, the double-thumbs-up bug and DIVE INTO are registered trademarks of Deitel and Associates, Inc.

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Chapters 24–35 and Appendices D–G are PDF documents posted online at the book’s Companion Website (located at www.pearsonhighered.com/deitel/).

Preface xix

Before You Begin xxxv

1 Introduction to Computers, the Internet and Visual C# 1

1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Hardware and Moore’s Law 2 1.3 Data Hierarchy 3 1.4 Computer Organization 6 1.5 Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High-Level Languages 7 1.6 Object Technology 8 1.7 Internet and World Wide Web 10 1.8 C# 12

1.8.1 Object-Oriented Programming 12 1.8.2 Event-Driven Programming 12 1.8.3 Visual Programming 12 1.8.4 An International Standard; Other C# Implementations 12 1.8.5 Internet and Web Programming 13 1.8.6 Introducing async/await 13 1.8.7 Other Key Contemporary Programming Languages 13

1.9 Microsoft’s .NET 14 1.9.1 .NET Framework 14 1.9.2 Common Language Runtime 15 1.9.3 Platform Independence 15 1.9.4 Language Interoperability 15

1.10 Microsoft’s Windows® Operating System 16 1.11 Windows Phone 8 for Smartphones 17

1.11.1 Selling Your Apps in the Windows Phone Marketplace 18 1.11.2 Free vs. Paid Apps 18 1.11.3 Testing Your Windows Phone Apps 18

1.12 Windows Azure™ and Cloud Computing 19 1.13 Visual Studio Express 2012 Integrated Development Environment 19



viii Contents

1.14 Painter Test-Drive in Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop 19 1.15 Painter Test-Drive in Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8 23

2 Dive Into® Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop 33

2.1 Introduction 34 2.2 Overview of the Visual Studio Express 2012 IDE 34 2.3 Menu Bar and Toolbar 39 2.4 Navigating the Visual Studio IDE 41

2.4.1 Solution Explorer 43 2.4.2 Toolbox 44 2.4.3 Properties Window 44

2.5 Using Help 46 2.6 Using Visual App Development to Create a Simple App that Displays

Text and an Image 47 2.7 Wrap-Up 57 2.8 Web Resources 58

3 Introduction to C# Apps 65 3.1 Introduction 66 3.2 A Simple C# App: Displaying a Line of Text 66 3.3 Creating a Simple App in Visual Studio 72 3.4 Modifying Your Simple C# App 77 3.5 Formatting Text with Console.Write and Console.WriteLine 80 3.6 Another C# App: Adding Integers 81 3.7 Memory Concepts 85 3.8 Arithmetic 86 3.9 Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators 90 3.10 Wrap-Up 94

4 Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and strings 106

4.1 Introduction 107 4.2 Classes, Objects, Methods, Properties and Instance Variables 107 4.3 Declaring a Class with a Method and Instantiating an Object of a Class 108 4.4 Declaring a Method with a Parameter 113 4.5 Instance Variables and Properties 116 4.6 UML Class Diagram with a Property 121 4.7 Software Engineering with Properties and set and get Accessors 121 4.8 Auto-Implemented Properties 123 4.9 Value Types vs. Reference Types 123 4.10 Initializing Objects with Constructors 125 4.11 Floating-Point Numbers and Type decimal 128 4.12 Wrap-Up 134

Contents ix

5 Control Statements: Part 1 142 5.1 Introduction 143 5.2 Algorithms 143 5.3 Pseudocode 144 5.4 Control Structures 144 5.5 if Single-Selection Statement 146 5.6 if…else Double-Selection Statement 148 5.7 while Repetition Statement 152 5.8 Formulating Algorithms: Counter-Controlled Repetition 154 5.9 Formulating Algorithms: Sentinel-Controlled Repetition 158 5.10 Formulating Algorithms: Nested Control Statements 166 5.11 Compound Assignment Operators 171 5.12 Increment and Decrement Operators 171 5.13 Simple Types 174 5.14 Wrap-Up 175

6 Control Statements: Part 2 189 6.1 Introduction 190 6.2 Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition 190 6.3 for Repetition Statement 191 6.4 Examples Using the for Statement 195 6.5 do…while Repetition Statement 199 6.6 switch Multiple-Selection Statement 201 6.7 break and continue Statements 209 6.8 Logical Operators 211 6.9 Structured-Programming Summary 216 6.10 Wrap-Up 221

7 Methods: A Deeper Look 231 7.1 Introduction 232 7.2 Packaging Code in C# 232 7.3 static Methods, static Variables and Class Math 234 7.4 Declaring Methods with Multiple Parameters 236 7.5 Notes on Declaring and Using Methods 240 7.6 Method-Call Stack and Activation Records 241 7.7 Argument Promotion and Casting 242 7.8 The .NET Framework Class Library 243 7.9 Case Study: Random-Number Generation 245

7.9.1 Scaling and Shifting Random Numbers 249 7.9.2 Random-Number Repeatability for Testing and Debugging 250

7.10 Case Study: A Game of Chance; Introducing Enumerations 250 7.11 Scope of Declarations 255 7.12 Method Overloading 258 7.13 Optional Parameters 260

x Contents

7.14 Named Parameters 262 7.15 Recursion 263 7.16 Passing Arguments: Pass-by-Value vs. Pass-by-Reference 266 7.17 Wrap-Up 269

8 Arrays; Introduction to Exception Handling 285 8.1 Introduction 286 8.2 Arrays 286 8.3 Declaring and Creating Arrays 288 8.4 Examples Using Arrays 289

8.4.1 Creating and Initializing an Array 289 8.4.2 Using an Array Initializer 290 8.4.3 Calculating a Value to Store in Each Array Element 291 8.4.4 Summing the Elements of an Array 292 8.4.5 Using Bar Charts to Display Array Data Graphically 293 8.4.6 Using the Elements of an Array as Counters 295 8.4.7 Using Arrays to Analyze Survey Results; Introduction to

Exception Handling 296 8.5 Case Study: Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation 299 8.6 foreach Statement 303 8.7 Passing Arrays and Array Elements to Methods 305 8.8 Passing Arrays by Value and by Reference 307 8.9 Case Study: GradeBook Using an Array to Store Grades 311 8.10 Multidimensional Arrays 316 8.11 Case Study: GradeBook Using a Rectangular Array 321 8.12 Variable-Length Argument Lists 327 8.13 Using Command-Line Arguments 329 8.14 Wrap-Up 331

9 Introduction to LINQ and the List Collection 351 9.1 Introduction 352 9.2 Querying an Array of int Values Using LINQ 353 9.3 Querying an Array of Employee Objects Using LINQ 357 9.4 Introduction to Collections 362 9.5 Querying a Generic Collection Using LINQ 365 9.6 Wrap-Up 367 9.7 Deitel LINQ Resource Center 367

10 Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look 371 10.1 Introduction 372 10.2 Time Class Case Study 372 10.3 Controlling Access to Members 376 10.4 Referring to the Current Object’s Members with the this Reference 377 10.5 Time Class Case Study: Overloaded Constructors 379

Contents xi

10.6 Default and Parameterless Constructors 385 10.7 Composition 386 10.8 Garbage Collection and Destructors 389 10.9 static Class Members 390 10.10 readonly Instance Variables 393 10.11 Data Abstraction and Encapsulation 394 10.12 Class View and Object Browser 396 10.13 Object Initializers 398 10.14 Wrap-Up 398

11 Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance 405 11.1 Introduction 406 11.2 Base Classes and Derived Classes 407 11.3 protected Members 409 11.4 Relationship between Base Classes and Derived Classes 410

11.4.1 Creating and Using a CommissionEmployee Class 410 11.4.2 Creating a BasePlusCommissionEmployee Class without

Using Inheritance 415 11.4.3 Creating a CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee

Inheritance Hierarchy 420 11.4.4 CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance

Hierarchy Using protected Instance Variables 423 11.4.5 CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance

Hierarchy Using private Instance Variables 428 11.5 Constructors in Derived Classes 433 11.6 Software Engineering with Inheritance 434 11.7 Class object 434 11.8 Wrap-Up 435

12 OOP: Polymorphism, Interfaces and Operator Overloading 441

12.1 Introduction 442 12.2 Polymorphism Examples 444 12.3 Demonstrating Polymorphic Behavior 445 12.4 Abstract Classes and Methods 448 12.5 Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism 450

12.5.1 Creating Abstract Base Class Employee 451 12.5.2 Creating Concrete Derived Class SalariedEmployee 453 12.5.3 Creating Concrete Derived Class HourlyEmployee 455 12.5.4 Creating Concrete Derived Class CommissionEmployee 457 12.5.5 Creating Indirect Concrete Derived Class

BasePlusCommissionEmployee 458 12.5.6 Polymorphic Processing, Operator is and Downcasting 460

xii Contents

12.5.7 Summary of the Allowed Assignments Between Base-Class and Derived-Class Variables 465

12.6 sealed Methods and Classes 466 12.7 Case Study: Creating and Using Interfaces 466

12.7.1 Developing an IPayable Hierarchy 468 12.7.2 Declaring Interface IPayable 469 12.7.3 Creating Class Invoice 469 12.7.4 Modifying Class Employee to Implement Interface IPayable 471 12.7.5 Modifying Class SalariedEmployee for Use with IPayable 473 12.7.6 Using Interface IPayable to Process Invoices and Employees

Polymorphically 474 12.7.7 Common Interfaces of the .NET Framework Class Library 476

12.8 Operator Overloading 477 12.9 Wrap-Up 480

13 Exception Handling: A Deeper Look 486 13.1 Introduction 487 13.2 Example: Divide by Zero without Exception Handling 488 13.3 Example: Handling DivideByZeroExceptions and FormatExceptions 491

13.3.1 Enclosing Code in a try Block 493 13.3.2 Catching Exceptions 493 13.3.3 Uncaught Exceptions 494 13.3.4 Termination Model of Exception Handling 495 13.3.5 Flow of Control When Exceptions Occur 495

13.4 .NET Exception Hierarchy 496 13.4.1 Class SystemException 496 13.4.2 Determining Which Exceptions a Method Throws 497

13.5 finally Block 497 13.6 The using Statement 504 13.7 Exception Properties 505 13.8 User-Defined Exception Classes 509 13.9 Wrap-Up 513

14 Graphical User Interfaces with Windows Forms: Part 1 518

14.1 Introduction 519 14.2 Windows Forms 520 14.3 Event Handling 522

14.3.1 A Simple Event-Driven GUI 522 14.3.2 Auto-Generated GUI Code 524 14.3.3 Delegates and the Event-Handling Mechanism 526 14.3.4 Another Way to Create Event Handlers 527 14.3.5 Locating Event Information 528

14.4 Control Properties and Layout 529

Contents xiii

14.5 Labels, TextBoxes and Buttons 533 14.6 GroupBoxes and Panels 536 14.7 CheckBoxes and RadioButtons 539 14.8 PictureBoxes 547 14.9 ToolTips 549 14.10 NumericUpDown Control 551 14.11 Mouse-Event Handling 553 14.12 Keyboard-Event Handling 556 14.13 Wrap-Up 559

15 Graphical User Interfaces with Windows Forms: Part 2 569

15.1 Introduction 570 15.2 Menus 570 15.3 MonthCalendar Control 579 15.4 DateTimePicker Control 580 15.5 LinkLabel Control 583 15.6 ListBox Control 587 15.7 CheckedListBox Control 591 15.8 ComboBox Control 594 15.9 TreeView Control 598 15.10 ListView Control 603 15.11 TabControl Control 609 15.12 Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Windows 614 15.13 Visual Inheritance 621 15.14 User-Defined Controls 626 15.15 Wrap-Up 630

16 Strings and Characters: A Deeper Look 638 16.1 Introduction 639 16.2 Fundamentals of Characters and Strings 640 16.3 string Constructors 641 16.4 string Indexer, Length Property and CopyTo Method 642 16.5 Comparing strings 643 16.6 Locating Characters and Substrings in strings 646 16.7 Extracting Substrings from strings 649 16.8 Concatenating strings 650 16.9 Miscellaneous string Methods 651 16.10 Class StringBuilder 652 16.11 Length and Capacity Properties, EnsureCapacity Method and Indexer

of Class StringBuilder 653 16.12 Append and AppendFormat Methods of Class StringBuilder 655 16.13 Insert, Remove and Replace Methods of Class StringBuilder 657 16.14 Char Methods 660

xiv Contents

16.15 (Online) Introduction to Regular Expressions 662 16.16 Wrap-Up 663

17 Files and Streams 669 17.1 Introduction 670 17.2 Data Hierarchy 670 17.3 Files and Streams 672 17.4 Classes File and Directory 673 17.5 Creating a Sequential-Access Text File 682 17.6 Reading Data from a Sequential-Access Text File 691 17.7 Case Study: Credit Inquiry Program 695 17.8 Serialization 701 17.9 Creating a Sequential-Access File Using Object Serialization 702 17.10 Reading and Deserializing Data from a Binary File 706 17.11 Wrap-Up 708

18 Searching and Sorting 715 18.1 Introduction 716 18.2 Searching Algorithms 717

18.2.1 Linear Search 717 18.2.2 Binary Search 721

18.3 Sorting Algorithms 726 18.3.1 Selection Sort 726 18.3.2 Insertion Sort 730 18.3.3 Merge Sort 734

18.4 Summary of the Efficiency of Searching and Sorting Algorithms 740 18.5 Wrap-Up 741

19 Data Structures 746 19.1 Introduction 747 19.2 Simple-Type structs, Boxing and Unboxing 747 19.3 Self-Referential Classes 748 19.4 Linked Lists 749 19.5 Stacks 762 19.6 Queues 766 19.7 Trees 769

19.7.1 Binary Search Tree of Integer Values 770 19.7.2 Binary Search Tree of IComparable Objects 777

19.8 Wrap-Up 782

20 Generics 789 20.1 Introduction 790 20.2 Motivation for Generic Methods 791 20.3 Generic-Method Implementation 793

Contents xv

20.4 Type Constraints 796 20.5 Overloading Generic Methods 798 20.6 Generic Classes 799 20.7 Wrap-Up 808

21 Collections 814 21.1 Introduction 815 21.2 Collections Overview 815 21.3 Class Array and Enumerators 818 21.4 Nongeneric Collections 821

21.4.1 Class ArrayList 821 21.4.2 Class Stack 826 21.4.3 Class Hashtable 828

21.5 Generic Collections 833 21.5.1 Generic Class SortedDictionary 834 21.5.2 Generic Class LinkedList 836

21.6 Covariance and Contravariance for Generic Types 840 21.7 Wrap-Up 843

22 Databases and LINQ 849 22.1 Introduction 850 22.2 Relational Databases 851 22.3 A Books Database 852 22.4 LINQ to Entities and the ADO.NET Entity Framework 856 22.5 Querying a Database with LINQ 857

22.5.1 Creating the ADO.NET Entity Data Model Class Library 858 22.5.2 Creating a Windows Forms Project and Configuring It to

Use the Entity Data Model 862 22.5.3 Data Bindings Between Controls and the Entity Data Model 864

22.6 Dynamically Binding Query Results 869 22.6.1 Creating the Display Query Results GUI 870 22.6.2 Coding the Display Query Results App 871

22.7 Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables with LINQ 874 22.8 Creating a Master/Detail View App 879

22.8.1 Creating the Master/Detail GUI 880 22.8.2 Coding the Master/Detail App 881

22.9 Address Book Case Study 883 22.9.1 Creating the Address Book App’s GUI 884 22.9.2 Coding the Address Book App 885

22.10 Tools and Web Resources 889 22.11 Wrap-Up 889

23 Web App Development with ASP.NET 897 23.1 Introduction 898

xvi Contents

23.2 Web Basics 899 23.3 Multitier App Architecture 900 23.4 Your First Web App 902

23.4.1 Building the WebTime App 904 23.4.2 Examining WebTime.aspx’s Code-Behind File 913

23.5 Standard Web Controls: Designing a Form 914 23.6 Validation Controls 918 23.7 Session Tracking 925

23.7.1 Cookies 926 23.7.2 Session Tracking with HttpSessionState 927 23.7.3 Options.aspx: Selecting a Programming Language 928 23.7.4 Recommendations.aspx: Displaying Recommendations

Based on Session Values 932 23.8 Case Study: Database-Driven ASP.NET Guestbook 933

23.8.1 Building a Web Form that Displays Data from a Database 935 23.8.2 Modifying the Code-Behind File for the Guestbook App 940

23.9 Online Case Study: ASP.NET AJAX 941 23.10 Online Case Study: Password-Protected Books Database App 942 23.11 Wrap-Up 942

Chapters on the Web 949

A Operator Precedence Chart 950

B Simple Types 952

C ASCII Character Set 954

Appendices on the Web 955

Index 957

Chapters 24–35 and Appendices D–G are PDF documents posted online at the book’s Companion Website (located at www.pearsonhighered.com/deitel/).

24 XML and LINQ to XML

25 Windows 8 UI and XAML

26 Windows 8 Graphics and Multimedia


Contents xvii

27 Building a Windows Phone 8 App

28 Asynchronous Programming with async and await

29 Web App Development with ASP.NET: A Deeper Look

30 Web Services

31 Building a Windows Azure™ Cloud Computing App

32 GUI with Windows Presentation Foundation

33 WPF Graphics and Multimedia

34 ATM Case Study, Part 1: Object-Oriented Design with the UML

35 ATM Case Study, Part 2: Implementing an Object- Oriented Design

D Number Systems

E UML 2: Additional Diagram Types

F Unicode®

G Using the Visual C# 2012 Debugger

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Welcome to the Visual C#® 2012 computer programming language and the world of Mi- crosoft® Windows® and Internet and web programming with Microsoft’s .NET platform. Please read the book’s back cover and inside back cover—these concisely capture the book’s essence. In this Preface we provide more details.

This book is appropriate for introductory course sequences based on the curriculum recommendations of two key professional organizations—the ACM and the IEEE. The examples are accessible to computer science, information technology, software engineering and business students in novice-level and intermediate-level C# courses. The book can also be used by professional programmers.

At the heart of the book is the Deitel signature live-code approach—rather than using code snippets, we present concepts in the context of complete working programs followed by sample executions. Read the Before You Begin section after this Preface for instructions on setting up your computer to run the hundreds of code examples. The source code is avail- able at www.deitel.com/books/vcsharp2012htp and www.pearsonhighered.com/deitel. Use the source code we provide to compile and run each program as you study it—this will help you master Visual C# and related Microsoft technologies faster and at a deeper level.

We believe that this book and its supplements for students and instructors will give you an informative, engaging, challenging and entertaining introduction to Visual C#. If you have questions, we’re easy to reach at deitel@deitel.com—we’ll respond promptly. For book updates, visit www.deitel.com/books/vcsharp2012htp, join our social media communities on Facebook (www.deitel.com/DeitelFan), Twitter (@deitel), Google+ (gplus.to/deitel) and LinkedIn (bit.ly/DeitelLinkedIn), and subscribe to the Deitel® Buzz Online newsletter (www.deitel.com/newsletter/subscribe.html).

Visual C#® 2012, the Visual Studio® 2012 IDE, .NET 4.5, Windows® 7 and Windows® 8 The new Visual C# 2012 and its associated technologies motivated us to write Visual C# 2012 How to Program, 5/e. These are some of the key features of this new edition:

• Use with Windows 7, Windows 8 or both. The book is designed so that you can continue to use Windows 7 now and begin to evolve to Windows 8, if you like, or you can move right to Windows 8. All of the code examples in Chapters 1–24 and 28–35 were tested on both Windows 7 and Windows 8. The code examples for the Windows-8-specific chapters—Chapter 25 (Windows 8 UI and XAML), Chapter 26 (Windows 8 Graphics and Multimedia) and Chapter 27 (Building a Windows Phone 8 App)—were tested only on Windows 8.

• C# and Visual C#. The C# language has been standardized internationally by ECMA and ISO (the standards document is available free of charge at bit.ly/ ECMA334). Visual C# 2012 is Microsoft’s implementation of this standard.







xx Preface

• Modular multi-GUI treatment with Windows Forms, Windows 8 UI and WPF. The printed book features Windows Forms GUI; optional online chapters con- tain treatments of Windows 8 UI (user interface) and WPF GUI. Windows 8 UI apps are called Windows Store apps. In Chapter 25, you’ll learn how to create and test Windows Store apps and upload them to Microsoft’s Windows Store.

• Modular treatment of graphics and multimedia with Windows 8 and WPF. The book features optional online chapters on both Windows 8 Graphics and Multi- media (Chapter 26) and WPF Graphics and Multimedia (Chapter 33).

• Database with LINQ to Entities. In the previous edition of this book, we dis- cussed LINQ (Language Integrated Query) to SQL (Microsoft’s SQL Server da- tabase system). Microsoft stopped further development on LINQ to SQL in 2008 in favor of the newer and more robust LINQ to Entities and the ADO.NET Entity Framework, which we’ve switched to in this edition, keeping the discussion friendly for novices.

• SQL Server database. We use Microsoft’s free SQL Server Express 2012 (which installs with the free Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop) to pres- ent the fundamentals of database programming. Chapters 22–23 and 29–30 use database and LINQ capabilities to build an address-book desktop app, a web- based guestbook app, a bookstore app and an airline reservation system app.

• ASP.NET 4.5. Microsoft’s .NET server-side technology, ASP.NET, enables you to create robust, scalable web-based apps. In Chapter 23, you’ll build several apps, including a web-based guestbook that uses ASP.NET and the ADO .NET Entity Framework to store data in a database and display data in a web page. The chapter also discusses the IIS Express web server for testing your web apps on your local computer.

• Building a Windows Phone 8 App. Windows Phone 8 is Microsoft’s latest oper- ating system for smartphones. It features multi-touch support for touchpads and touchscreen devices, enhanced security features and more. In Chapter 27, you’ll build a complete working Windows Phone 8 app and test it on the Windows Phone simulator; we’ll discuss how to upload apps to the Windows Phone Store.

• Building a Windows Azure™ Cloud Computing App. Windows Azure is a cloud computing platform that allows you to develop, manage and distribute your apps in the cloud. Chapter 31 shows you how to build a Windows Azure app that can store data in the cloud.

• Asynchronous programming with async and await. Asynchronous programming is simplified in Visual C# 2012 with the new async and await capabilities. We introduce asynchronous programming with async and await in Chapter 28.

Object-Oriented Programming • Early-objects approach. The book introduces the basic concepts and terminology

of object technology in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, Dive Into Visual Studio 2012 Ex- press for Windows Desktop, you’ll visually manipulate objects, such as labels and images. In Chapter 3, Introduction to C# Apps, you’ll write Visual C# program code

Complete Code Examples xxi

that manipulates preexisting objects. You’ll develop your first customized classes and objects in Chapter 4. Presenting objects and classes early gets you “thinking about objects” immediately and mastering these concepts more thoroughly.

• Rich coverage of programming fundamentals. Chapters 5 and 6 present a friendly treatment of control statements and problem solving.

• A clear, example-driven presentation of classes, objects, inheritance, polymor- phism and interfaces.

• Optional case study: Using the UML to develop an object-oriented design and Vi- sual C# implementation of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). The UML™ (Unified Modeling Language™) is the industry-standard graphical language for modeling object-oriented systems. We introduce the UML in the early chapters. Online Chapters 34 and 35 include an optional case study on object-oriented de- sign using the UML. We design and implement the software for a simple automat- ed teller machine. We analyze a typical requirements document that specifies the system to be built. We determine the classes needed to implement that system, the attributes the classes need to have, the behaviors the classes need to exhibit and we specify how the classes must interact with one another to meet the system require- ments. From the design we produce a complete working Visual C# implementa- tion. Students often report a “light bulb moment”—the case study helps them “tie it all together” and truly understand object orientation.

• Three programming paradigms. We discuss structured programming, object-orient- ed programming and generic programming.

Complete Code Examples We include a broad range of example programs selected from computer science, business, simulation, game playing, graphics, multimedia and many other areas (Fig. 1).


Account class Address book case study Airline reservation web-service Animating the width and

height of a video Applying transforms to a poly-

gon Array initializer ArrayList class BasePlusCommissionEmployee

class Binary search Blackjack game web-service Books database

Card shuffling and dealing CheckedListBox control ComboBox control CommissionEmployee class Common Windows 8 UI con-

trols Common WPF controls Compound interest calcula-

tions Counter-controlled repetition Craps dice game simulation Creating and using a text file Creating custom windows and

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6 writers have sent their proposals to do this homework:

Innovative Writer
Helping Hand
Top Essay Tutor
Calculation Guru
Essay & Assignment Help
University Coursework Help
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Innovative Writer


Innovative Writer

I have read and understood all your initial requirements, and I am very professional in this task, I would be the best choice for this project, I am a PhD writer with 6-7 years of experience and can deliver quality notes to tight deadlines. I can generally compile up to 10 pages of lecture notes per day. I am known as Unrivaled Quality, Written to Standard, providing Plagiarism-free woork, and Always on Time

$225 Chat With Writer
Helping Hand


Helping Hand

I am an Academic writer with 10 years of experience. As an Academic writer, my aim is to generate unique content without Plagiarism as per the client’s requirements.

$230 Chat With Writer
Top Essay Tutor


Top Essay Tutor

I have more than 12 years of experience in managing online classes, exams, and quizzes on different websites like; Connect, McGraw-Hill, and Blackboard. I always provide a guarantee to my clients for their grades.

$235 Chat With Writer
Calculation Guru


Calculation Guru

I see that your standard of work is to get content for articles. Well, you are in the right place because I am a professional content writer holding a PhD. in English, as well as having immense experience in writing articles for a vast variety of niches and category such as newest trends, health issues, entertainment, technology, etc and I will make sure your article has all the key pointers and relevant information, Pros, Cons and basically all the information that a perfect article needs with good research. Your article is guaranteed to be appealing, attractive, engaging, original and passed through Copyscape for the audience so once they start reading they keep asking for more and stay interested.

$225 Chat With Writer
Essay & Assignment Help


Essay & Assignment Help

I have a Master’s degree and experience of more than 5 years in this industry, I have worked on several similar projects of Research writing, Academic writing & Business writing and can deliver A+ quality writing even to Short Deadlines. I have successfully completed more than 2100+ projects on different websites for respective clients. I can generally write 10-15 pages daily. I am interested to hear more about the project and about the subject matter of the writing. I will deliver Premium quality work without Plagiarism at less price and time. Get quality work by awarding this project to me, I look forward to getting started for you as soon as possible. Thanks!

$225 Chat With Writer
University Coursework Help


University Coursework Help

Hi dear, I am ready to do your homework in a reasonable price.

$232 Chat With Writer

Let our expert academic writers to help you in achieving a+ grades in your homework, assignment, quiz or exam.

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