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Goal: The goal of this assignment is to analyze an artifact, critique the problem, and explain how behavior might or might not change.
Course Objective: CO 1
This particular news story discusses the proliferation of garbage in the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch," and the subsequent damaging effects on the world's oceans.
Please prepare a short, 1-page essay that discusses the answer to these questions.
After watching the video, what insight have you gained about the problem of plastics in the ocean?
Can you offer a critique of this problem? Remember, when we critique, we challenge common conventions and taken-for-granted ideas.
Critical research can lead to emancipation, by bringing problems to the surface or bringing repression to the light. Please comment on how your knowledge of this problem may or may not change your own personal behavior.
In this essay, please use proper APA citation. I encourage you to use "I" language to bring your own perceptions, knowledge, and opinions to your essay.