Must have Wartime Book!!!!!!!!
Paul Fussell, Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War. Oxford, 1989. ISBN 0-19-506577-8
Dr. Utgaard
Cuyamaca College
History 109 Modern American History
Discussion Questions and Paper Assignment for Paul Fussell’s Wartime
Paul Fussell was an infantry officer in the ETO (European Theatre of Operations) during World War II.After the war he became an English professor.His book Wartime is a unique combination of historical and literary analysis.The book focuses on American and British experiences. Take notes on the questions below as you read the book.Making some notes will help you understand the book and also prepare you for your paper assignment on Wartime. For each chapter, you should flag at least two examples!
Why do you think Fussell dedicated the book to his parents “who sent socks and books.”
What is the book about?
Chapter 1: From Light to Heavy Duty
What does Fussell mean by the shift from light to heavy duty?
Chapter 2: “Precision Bombing Will Win the War”
What was the difference between what air power promised and what air power was capable of during the war?
Chapter 3:Someone Had Blundered
What were some of the greatest blunders of the war?How did authorities deal with blunders and why?
Chapter 4:Rumors of War
Fussell writes: “Living in wartime thus resembled living in a play, with nothing real or certain.”What does he mean?What are some examples of war rumors Fussell discusses?
Chapter 5:School of the Soldier
What link does Fussell make between the language of education and military training?What does this chapter reveal about the creation of mass armies?
Chapter 6:Unread Books on a Shelf
What is meant by “unread books on a shelf?” How did the creation ofmass armies impact individuality?
Chapter 7: Chickenshit, An Anatomy
What is “chickenshit?”What role does “chickenshit” play in a mass army or any large bureaucratic organization for that matter?