Please review the Technology Plug-In 7 Problem Solving Using Access 2010. Complete exercise 2. WasteNot Recycling.
WasteNot Recycling is an organization that picks up recyclables from homeowners in Boulder, Colorado, as introduced in Plug-In T6. The CUSTOMER table holds static customer information such as name, address, and phone. The CUSTOMER RECORD table holds data about each recyclable pickup. Enough test data has been added to each table to test queries (use the T7_WasteNotRecycling_Data.mdb file associated with this text).
The owners of WasteNot Recycling have asked you to assist with creating several queries. Specifically they need you to do the following:
1. Create a query using the CUSTOMER data that will select records for customers who had their first pickup in May 2004. Sort the records by customer’s Last Name. Save the query as May Pickup Query.
2. Create a query on CUSTOMER RECORD to determine the total weights of paper and other products each customer has had picked up. Use the CUSTOMER Last Name and First Name in the query. Save the query as Customer Weight Query.
3. Create a query using the Name, Street, Address, and Weight fields from the CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER RECORD tables. Enter the criteria that will select customers with less than 10 pounds in EITHER recyclable field. Save the query as Low Volume Query.