During your reading of Watchmen, consider the prompts posted in the Learning Module as possible subjects for your end-of-book essay. You will post your essay at the assignment link. Please choose a prompt you feel somewhat comfortable with actually writing. This essay will be a minimum of 5 pages, double-spaced, in proper MLA 8 format. This essay is to reflect your understanding, ideas, and interpretations of Watchmen — ABSOLUTELY NO RESEARCH should be involved in this assignment. Please be sure to view the VeraCite report after you have posted your essay. Any “matches” to online sources could seriously affect your grade.This is not a book report or book review. Be sure that you offer a clear claim (thesis), and then defend your thesis with examples, evidence, and explanation. I am expecting polished prose. Your writing should be clear and concise with few errors.
Include 5 Quotations from the book along with page numbers
This assessment is a guide as you write and revise your paper. Following is a general explanation of the categories and how they will be used. Be sure to review these terms in the Glossary:
Interpretation — What is the overall success of your claim (thesis) and conclusions?
Development — Have you provided enough examples and explanation to make your case?
Organization — Have you clearly and effectively ordered your ideas?
Mechanics — Is your paper free of obvious mistakes that get in the way of reading?
1) Choose a specific inanimate object depicted in Watchmen that is important to the work as a whole, and write an essay in which you show how two or three of the purposes the object serves are related to one another.
2) The significance of a title such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is easy to discover. However, in other works (e.g. Measure for Measure), the full significance of the title becomes apparent to the reader only gradually. Show how the significance of Watchmen’s title is developed through the author’s use of devices such as contrast, repetition, allusion, and point of view.