Look over Kemp readings over the last 2 weeks and select a program that you have not written about, and how this may be adapted by your community. I copied and pasted a few chapters to the attached word document
Describe the program, and why this would be suitable for your community. Discuss the following:
1. The name of the program (cite the Kemp chapter)
2. Why you chose this program.
3. The potential benefits from adapting this program.
4. The steps necessary from with city management all the way to adoption by City Council - would be necessary.
The program to write about is “Creating a better environment for Walnut Creek, CA
Find and share, via PDF or URL (if not behind a paywall) a current news article that interests you, and explain why, citing issues relating to Resilience, Livability and Sustainability (RLS) and the 3Es (environment, economy, and equity). (Be sure to attach it or post the URL.)