Stress Reaction Inventory Assessing the impact of compassion fatigue, burnout and secondary traumatic stress
Instructions: Place a checkmark next to each of the items below that you have experienced in the past two months, even if it seems unrelated to work.
Diminished concentration
Confusion Spaciness Loss of meaning Decreased
self-esteem Preoccupation with
trauma Trauma imagery Apathy Rigidity Disorientation Thoughts of
self-harm or harm to others
Self-doubt Perfectionism Minimization Blaming others Poor decisions Poor abstract
thinking Memory problems Heightened or
lowered alertness
Powerlessness Anxiety Guilt Anger/rage Survivor guilt Shutdown Numbness Fear Helplessness Sadness Depression Hypersensitivity Emotional roller
coaster Overwhelmed Depleted Grief Denial Severe panic Loss of emotional
control Inappropriate
emotional response Apprehension
Impatient Clingy Irritable Withdrawn Moody Regression Sleep disturbances Appetite changes Nightmares Hypervigilance Elevated startle
response Use of negative
coping (smoking; alcohol or other substance misuse)
Accident proneness
Losing things Self-harm
behaviors Inability to rest
Questioning the meaning of life
Loss of purpose Lack of
self-satisfaction Pervasive
hopelessness Boredom/ennui Anger at God Questioning of
prior religious beliefs
Despair about the pervasiveness of cruelty
Loss of faith in a higher power
Greater skepticism about religion
Withdrawal Decreased interest
in intimacy or sex Mistrust Isolation from
friends Impact on
parenting (protectiveness, concern about aggression)
Projection of anger or blame
Intolerance Loneliness Increased
interpersonal conflicts
Shock Sweating Rapid heartbeat Breathing
difficulties Aches and pains Dizziness Increased number
and intensity of medical ailments
Fatigue Nausea Muscle tremors Twitches Chest pain Elevated blood
pressure Thirst Headaches Visual difficulties Vomiting Chills Fainting Grinding of teeth
Information adapted from the following sources: “Preventing Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder” by J.Yassen in Compassion Fatigue (1995); “Examples of Compassion Fatigue Burnout Symptoms” (Internet 1999); Critical Incidents Stress Management Training handout (1996).