1. Ethan Bonin
Ethan's response to the question
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If I had lived somewhere between 700 and 1000 C.E. of my choosing, I would most likely pick Japan because I have always thought that their curved roofs on their buildings looked very elegant. I also have taken an interest in buddism which heavily influenced Japan's art throughout it's history. I definitely consider their art a key part in picking their culture for which culture I would pick and their art definitely continues to influence art still to this day.
2. Amy Huck
RE: Unit VI Discussion Board Question
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If I was able to choose somewhere to live in 700-1000 C.E., I would choose Mexico to be a part of the Aztecs. The Aztecs built beautiful buildings and sculptures. I think it would be awesome to be a part of building and creating them. The Aztec capitol was also found to be the cleanest and better governed then most European cities (Frank, 2014).
3. Tanya Laity
Tanya's response to Unit VI Discussion Board Question
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Being a perfectionist and a processor, I am always second guessing myself. Where I find it most difficult is determining if I still need to define more or have I not defined enough. I have had several conversations were after they were done, I think about how I could have explained myself better or shouldn't have brought something up. I am always rewinding what I said or wrote after the conversation ends.
In my final paper, I know I need to clarify my subject more and give more explanation behind my subject. I had trouble finding resources on my subject before my final draft was due. Since then I have found some resources and I have obtained the information needed to make my essay more complete.
4. Jeffrey Carnes
Jeff's Reply to the Unit VI Discussion Board Question
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This happens to me on an almost daily basis. I do not feel that I am the greatest communicator. I struggled with an Instructor course at work. Part of the course was making a PowerPoint on any topic of our choosing. Beings that I am in the FD and the class was comprised with coworkers I did a PowerPoint on injuries related to falls from hunting treestands. This is not something we see very much of working in a major metropolitan area. I did a great job explaining the force of falls and showing physics in numbers. Where I lacked was in the presentation of injuries and their severity. I threw out a lot of numbers like speed and injury percentages but I assumed the FD members in the audience shared my same knowledge base and experience when it came to actual injuries.
For my final paper I chose to write on the history and importance of rodeo bullfighters. Most people know them as rodeo clowns but the job of the rodeo clown vs bullfighter is different. This is something I actually went to a school for and was able to do for a short period of time. As soon as I read the second part of this discussion board the term that stuck out to me was "hooked." Beings that I knew what it meant and have actually been hooked by a bull I typed under the assumption that everyone else knew what it meant too. I see the need to go back and define this term.
Todd Harrison
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Colin Powell describes the role of a leader as putting people in the best possible environment to achieve the purpose of the organization (Colgate University, 2009). What Colin Powell describes is similar to what military commandants do for their respective branches of service by manning, equipping, and training. By doing these three things the military commandants have succeeded in putting their service in at an advantage to accomplish directed Title 10 responsibilities. The second part of the role of a leader according to Colin Powell is taking care of the members of your organization (Colgate University, 2009). This represents not just benefits to employees, but bringing into play, a leader that employees take direction from.
The situational characteristics as described by Hitt, Miller, & Colella (2015) are leader-member relations, task structure and position of power may develop how a leader defines their level of control and way forward. The leader should strive to meet needs of the organization by linking the tasks requisite for completion by their employees to strategic tasks of the organization. By linking tasks completed at the lowest level to strategic tasks employees understand their relevance to the larger institution. To move employees forward to success it is imperative that leaders always project a clear sense of purpose and goals while providing discipline and praise to employees as required (Colgate University, 2009). Purpose is important as it provides the backdrop for employees desiring to be part of the institution as a whole and not just an individual.
Sherlynn Kennedy
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A born leader has the traits of a leaders such as driver, leadership motivation, integrity, and self-confidence . It is natural for this individual to be a leader. A made leader is one that has to develop the leadership traits and has to work hard to be a good leader. An example I can give is in my organization faith, family, and culture is the vision statement. There is a family of three women that have leadership roles within the organization and two out of three are born leaders, and the other is a made leader. The born leaders you can see that the followers enjoy working for the leader and the organization. In the other department with the made leader, there is a lot of turn over and the followers are not happy. Just because they are from the same family doesn't mean that their leadership styles are the same and they have the same traits. The are all very successful women within the organization, but it is easy to tell which two really supports the vision and purpose and which one has to work really hard and develop the leadership skills needed to support the vision and purpose of the organization.
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Match the question or statement on the left with the corresponding word or phrase on the right. There may be more answer items than questions.
What does mana mean for Oceanic communities?
What are the Inca stone fitters known for?
Which Native American artforms are traditionally done by women?
What is the significance of literati painters?
What is the role of calligraphy in traditional arts of Asia?
Korean potters used slip (liquid clay) to fill in what area of pottery?
Which is a contribution of Mayan art and civilization?
What does a totem signify?
Innovations in brushwork
Etched surface decoration
Prehuman ancestors
An elaborate calendar
Weaving and pottery
Elevate painting to the role of poetry
Mortarless joints
Spiritual power
1. Match the question or statement on the left with the corresponding word or phrase on the right. There may be more answer items than questions.
The event associated with Francisco Goya's painting titled The Third of May, 1808.
This is the reason that the subject matter in Neoclassical art is Roman.
Essentially, the subject matter of Paul Cézanne's paintings
Jacques-Louis David’s impact on the political climate of the times
Thomas Jefferson advocated Neoclassical architecture for the embodiment of these values in the new American republic.
This was the philosophical, literary, and artistic movement during the Renaissance.
The significance of linear perspective for Renaissance artists
The significance of Donatello's sculpture David
A major development of the Renaissance in Northern Europe
Baroque aristocratic splendor is seen in this work.
Artists could construct the illusion of three-dimensional space
Versailles Hall of Mirrors
The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
The new oil medium made brilliance and transparency of color possible
French Revolution
Courage and patriotism
A republican government
The first freestanding nude statue since ancient Roman times
Inspired revolutionary leaders
Match the question or statement on the left with the corresponding word or phrase on the right. There may be more answer items than questions.
A group associated with German Expressionism
An element the Futurists added to the inspiration from Cubism
A concept Frank Lloyd Wright used in designing houses
The shift in sculpture Constantin Brancusi contributed to using his Bird in Space as an example.
A driving force of the German Expressionists
Innovative aspects of Picasso's Guitar
The art movement associated with automatism
International style buildings reflect the design concepts of this art movement
Social realism
The movement that was supported by the Works Progress Administration
Social realism
Abstract Surrealism
Open space
Constructed sculptures
American Gothic
Harlem Renaissance>