A rhetorical analysis is one way to pay close attention to how a text is pieced together. There are a number of ways to perform a rhetorical analysis. For this class, we are performing an analysis that helps us answer the question: In what ways did the author achieve/not achieve/partially achieve an effective blend of ethos, pathos, and logos ? The purpose is to help us take a close look at the author’s argument and determine whether or not the author really achieved an effective rhetorical blend. Everything we have done up until now has prepared you for this assignment.
Use your Rhetorical Reading Notes of The Order of Things by Malcolm Gladwell, or your Rhetorical Summary of Little Liars by Kang Lee, to help you construct this essay.
Be sure to review the relevant terminology: ethos, pathos, logos
Minimum Requirements:
Contains parts of the previous RRN or Summary
At least 1000 words in length
MLA formatting (page formatting and citations)
Times New Roman 12 as the font/size throughout
Free of major grammatical and mechanical errors
.doc or .pdf file