I need help with a Sociology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Read ch.4 and answer questions 1 (200-210 words)
1. What do sociologists mean by the social construction of reality? How has the social construction of reality affected you?
Read ch.6 and answer questions 2 (200-210 words)
2.How do conformity and obedience differ? Provide one example of a time when you conformed and one for when you obeyed. Why did you conform? Why did you obey?
Reach ch.4 and respond back to the post below 200-210 words (question 3)
3."The term social construction of reality refers to the theory that the way we present ourselves to other people is shaped partly by our interactions with others, as well as by our life experiences. How we were raised and what we were raised to believe affect how we present ourselves, how we perceive others, and how others perceive us. In short, our perceptions of reality are colored by our beliefs and backgrounds." (Spark Notes, 2017). The notion of the social construction of reality is not to say that things in our social world are not real. They are. But they are constructions--social constructions that we often take for granted. We have built them from our imaginations. This is particularly applicable to social institutions. Marriage, education, the economy come to mind. Think of some more social constructions. The social construction of reality is part and parcel to the process of socialization itself. It is in our socialization process that we learn what to consider real, important, valuable and necessary."
Gender is a socially constructed entity. Generally distinguished from sex, (which is biological), notions of gender represent attempts by society through the socialization process, to construct masculine or feminine identities and corresponding masculine or feminine gender roles for a child based on physical appearance or genitalia.