Abdullah Alhalwajy
- What’s your name?
- My name is Abdulwahab Redhaei, and people call me Abdul.
How old are you?
I’m 20 years old.
- What’s your major?
My major is Electrical Engineering and I might take minor major in math.
- What’s your favorite hobby?
My favorite hobbies are swimming, boxing, sleeping, Youtubing and eating chocolate of course I almost forgot that.
-So I heard you like chocolates, what’s your favorite kind of chocolates Abdul?
I love all kinds of chocolate, but my favorite and the most kind I have addiction to is Milk chocolate.
- What’s your favorite brand for chocolates?
I guess Ferrero.
What specific kind of Ferrero chocolate exactly do you like?
Kinder Bueno, and this chocolate is very special to me because two years ago my parents brought me a Kinder Bueno cake for my birthday and it was the best chocolate cake I have ever tasted in my whole life.
- How often do you eat chocolate?
(Coughing) Everyday. I can’t live without chocolate. I don’t feel well if I did not eat chocolate.
- So do you like the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Abdul?
Of course it’s one of my favorite movie at all times. Actually I wish if I was one of the kids who acted in the movie. I wonder if it’s real. I mean the river in the movie, which was from chocolate.
- What’s you favorite country that produces chocolates?
I would say Belgium, U.K and Switzerland because I noticed that many kind of chocolates that I eat are produced from these lovely countries.
- So define for me chocolate?
My current wife ( Laughing ). Chocolate is my source of energy. Even though, I eat too much of chocolate it’s worth it.
- When do you eat your chocolate bar?
( Repeat the question please ) Well that is good question. It’s hard to say. However, I eat three chocolate bars when I wake up and I have seen how many calories in that chocolate bar which is called flake one-seventy calories per each bar.
- Where do you like to eat your chocolate bar?
That’s a ridiculous question, but let think about it for a second. I like to eat my chocolate at home while watching T.V, especially when I watch The Walking Dead.
- Have you read anything about chocolate?
Yes I did. In matter of fact, last semester I had a Human Communication class, and the professor told us to make a presentation about your favorite object, and guess what my favorite object was chocolate, so I have to make a research about chocolate.
- What was your research about exactly?
It was about a chocolate I was addicted to it, and I am still addicted to it, but less than before. The chocolate is Kinder. ( We had an argument about the origin of Kinder. Abdul said that Kinder is originated in Italy. But I said its from Poland and he actually got it right. Because we looked it up online. )
- So where do you get these kind of chocolates?
Usually, I get them from Amazon, and some other times I get it from Fresh Choice super market from Anaheim.
- So tell me Abdul does the chocolate affect you in a good war or in a bad way?
( Could you repeat the question please ) Well to be honest with you, chocolate it is double-edged weapon like the technology. It can have positive effects and negative effects. One of the benefits of eating chocolate is that it keeps me in a good mood. Moreover, I think one of the positive effects is that I don’t get mad easily. For the negative effects would be making me feel heavy and I’m afraid to get diabetes from chocolate.
- How do you protect yourself from getting hurt from chocolate?
I drink a lot of water, I work out in the weekends and I brush my teeth regularly.
-If you could do a project with chocolate what would it be?
If I could do a project with chocolate It would be( ummm) I will make customers create their own chocolate online. For example, if I want to mix white and milk chocolate in the same chocolate bar I will order it. Also I will make them to choose the shape they want.
- Who will run this business if could have it with you?
Probably my brother because my brother has a masters in marketing, so it would be nice to have him helping me to run this wonderful project.
-- Do you remember your first chocolate bar you had?
Well to be honest I don’t think that I remember, but it could be Kit-Kat because I remember when I was young I used to go to the grocery store, and all I remember from that grocery store is Kit-Kat.
- How was it (The Kit-Kat)?
It was very delicious and delightful that made me addicted to it. My father is the witness to that.