Oedipus study questions
Question Description
I need the following questions answered in a sentence or two. I need correct answers, doesn’t need to be long.
Please use the following link to access the reading.All lines correspond to the assignment.
Oedipus lines 1-308
1.Give details of how the chorus describes the city to the gods
2.Why did the citizens of Thebes not investigate Laius's murder at the time it occurred?
3. When Creon arrives from Delphi, what does Oedipus insist that he do? What does this indicate about Oedipus's character?
4 What problem is afflicting Thebes at this time?
5 Why does Oedipus claim he suffers even more than the other citizens?
6 What is your first impression of Oedipus? What characteristics of Oedipus are you aware of after he gives the opening speech?
7 What does Oedipus promise to do? Why, according to Oedipus, must his resolution be strong?
8 Reread Oedipus's long speech beginning at line 217. What is his tone?
9 Why have the Priest and many citizens gathered as supplicants, and how do they view Oedipus? How does this view contribute to Oedipus's status as a classic tragic hero?
10 What does Oedipus order his citizens to do? In what ways does he give them incentive to cooperate?
11 About the killer, Oedipus states, "And I pray, if he should be known to me/and share in my hearth among my family,/that I suffer all that I called upon these." Explain why this is an important moment in the play.
12 What is Oedipus's reaction to Creon's information?