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What does rcd mean on penn foster

05/11/2020 Client: arwaabdullah Deadline: 3 days



Thank you for your recent Medical Transcription Graded Project submission. However, it appears that there are required key elements of the project that are incorrect or missing. Your project will not be graded at this time, and an RTN has been posted to your record. What does RTN mean? When you upload your work, an RCD is posted alerting us that you have submitted files. An RCD prevents you from uploading any other files for that particular project until your work has been reviewed. A RTN means that your work has been reviewed, and the project has been returned rather than graded. RTN is not a penalty of any sort. Most importantly, an RTN allows the system to accept your corrected work.

Please do not be discouraged and think that we are going to post a failing grade for your project. You will need to correct your work (so we are presenting you with an opportunity to make corrections) and resubmit it as if it were the first attempt. The grader has provided the instructions needed to correctly resubmit your work.

Grader's Notes:

⮚Your Graded Project has been returned to you because the project is not complete.

Please read the Digital Study Guide associated with the graded project and it will explain the number of reports required for each graded project. Each report contributes to the total grade for the project and the absence of a report will greatly reduce the overall grade. Please take extra care to be sure that all reports are included in the project when submitted for grading.

⮚Your Graded Project has been returned to you because the EDITING Reports have not been completed correctly.

After reviewing your Editing Assignments, it is suspected that the reports were transcribed. This is not the purpose of the Editing Assignments and your graded project is returned to you for correction of this process.

The Editing Assignments are included in the graded project to measure the ability of the student to edit a letter and/or report. Editing and proofreading are not the same thing and are explained in the Study Guide.

Please copy and paste the entire Editing Assignment into a WORD document and review and correct the report as you listen to the audio file. Listen carefully and correct punctuation, capitalization, verb tenses, spelling and the use of numerals in the reports. Do not add words, subtract words, change words or add medical terminology. Do not alter the format given.

Upon of your Editing Review completion, the report and/or letter should be perfect to the best of your ability.

Medical Transcription is a skill-building course. Exam feedback should be considered a learning tool and all feedback should be read carefully, understood and put into use on the following exam. Submitting and exam before the previous exam is graded and feedback is available is not beneficial to the learning process. Take your time. Be patient. Transcription takes practice and focus.


If you cannot understand what is being dictated, slow the speed on the audio files and try listening again for clarity. In order to adjust the speed of the audio file to better understand the dictated material:

1.Right click on white arrow in orange circle in upper left corner of the opened audio

2.Click Enhancements and then Play Speed Settings

3.Adjust the speed of the dictation by using the slide scale (allow a few seconds to adjust)

Check the textbook for appropriate punctuation and review the use of periods, commas, hyphens, etc. Please proofread your submissions prior to sending to avoid simple mistakes.

If you have any questions about your project, the Transcription instructor is available by email through the Help Center of your Student Portal during school hours, after hours and weekends. You may also call Penn Foster at 1-800-982-1288,and an instructor will be happy to help you with your questions. Thank you.

Medical Transcription Instructors

Penn Foster

Name : Gomana guirguis

Email : A-Jesus-g@hotmail.com

Student number : 22329877


Transcription Assignment 1: Letter 21

April 14, 2012

Medical Transcription 1 Graded Project

Mr. Eric Ojeda

Examination number

85 Westwind Way

Northfolk, VA 07225


Dear Mr. Ojeda,

I am writing to you in regard to my psychiatric evaluation of the above-named individual, conducted at Sweetwater Home Board and Care on November 5, 2012. I was requested by his wife to evaluate the patient psychiatrically because of the difficulty he has been experiencing recently in terms of confusion and agitated behavior. His wife asked me to evaluate him at Sweetwater as it is very difficult for her to transport the individual to my office because he is confused, disoriented and at times hostile and belligerent. According to the records, the patient is 69 years of age, has a history of rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis that is severe, C. H. F., afib, with history of multiple cerebral emboli that probably has caused senile dementia. He did not appear to recognize the purpose of the interview, nor did he appreciate the opportunity to present his view to the interviewer. He was able to state his name but was generally thoroughly hostile and openly oppositional and sarcastic during the interview.

He refused to give me many details of his past history relating that “I don’t need your help”. The patient himself did not speak spontaneously; he tended to repeat over and over again that he did not need help, that all he needed was his wife to take him out of Sweetwater. He did not appear to be able to give me the current date, time, year or month, nor was he able to give his location in terms of city or state. He refused to answer most of my questions, but it was apparent that the patient at times tended to confabulate and avoided answering questions that he would have difficulty with by being openly hostile. He had a very constricted effect that was at times labile, openly so, in anger and disgust. His mood was depressed, with some history of sleep disturbance, but he denied any suicidal ideation or any self-destructive behavior periods.




Page 2

Hypothesis: The patient had general difficulty completing thought trends. He denied any hallucinations or delusions, but his guardedness would indicate possible paranoid ideation with the possible un-systematized persecutory delusional system. He felt there was some type of conspiracy against him to place him at Sweetwater Home Board and Care. He was unable to recognize and appreciate his medical and mental circumstances appropriately and respond to them in an appropriate manner. Judgment was impaired since the patient could not make medical or financial decisions in his best interest. I do not feel that he knows the extent of his medical illness or his financial situation. The patient was disoriented to time, person and place.

IMPRESSION: Organic brain syndrome, probably secondary to multiple cerebral emboli from the history of rheumatic H.D. and atrial fibrillation. At this point in time, I feel that the patient is gravely disabled, that he cannot provide food, shelter, or clothing for himself nor make decisions in regard3 to his medical or financial affairs in his best interest. I recommend that he be continued in a structured living situation with the supervision of medication and recommend conservatorship of person and property.

If further information is needed, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Yours Sincerely

Philip B. Michaelson, MD

Transcription Assignment 2: Letter 7

Date: July 17, 2014

Winthrop G. Macdonald, MD

5700 Fifth Ave

Philadelphia Pa 17532


Dear Mac,

Thank you for referring Mrs. Lampe to my office for gynecological evaluation. She was first seen on November 10, 2103, but this report was intentionally delayed until the results from the endometrial biopsy where obtained. At the time of the initial visit, Mrs. Lampe stated that she had had no menses for 6 to 7 months. However, beginning about 3 to 4 weeks ago she developed a clear discharge which was blood-tinged during the week of her visit. She denied any pain associated with this bleeding. As you are familiar with her past history and review of systems these will not be reiterated at this time.

Gynecological examination revealed the following: Breasts: Symmetrical. No masses, tenderness, or induration. No axillary adenopathy. Abdomen: Flat. Liver, spleen, and kidneys not felt. No masses, tenderness, or hernias. Pelvic: External genitalia normal with normal female escutcheon. The introitus is porous. Perinea is intact. Bartholin and skene urethral glands are normal. There is no significant cystocele or rectocele. The vaginal mucosa is healthy in appearance. Direct visualization of the cervix revealed a small cervical polyp at six o’clock, which was removed. Bimanual palpation revealed the uterus to be retro-displaced, symmetrical in contour and slightly enlarged. The adnexal regions and the culdesac felt normal. As noted above, the cervical polyp was removed.

July 17, 2014


Page 2

An endometrial biopsy was done, and the uterus measured 9 CM in depth, which represents a slight enlargement. A large amount of hyperplastic/appearing tissue was obtained on the biopsy. As you know from your copy of the biopsy report, she does have a grade three cystic endometrial hyperplasia with focal adenomatous hyperplasia.

This information was conveyed to Mrs. Lampe, and the treatment indicated is a curettage. While I doubt if she has a malignancy, removal of all this hyperplastic tissue is indicated to make sure she does not have an in situ carcinoma present. She is a very apprehensive woman, and at this time, it is unknown whether she will proceed with the recommended surgery. If she does return for the curettage, I will see that you receive a copy of the surgical dictation and the pathology report.

Thank you again for your kindness in referring to Mrs. Lampe and for allowing me to assist with her care.

Warmest personal regards.

Very truly yours,

Martin P. Douglas, MD

Copy: Frank Horowitz MD

Editing Assignment 1: Letter 11

Date: July 17, 2014

Winthrop G. Macdonald, MD

5700 Fifth Ave

Philadelphia Pa 17532


Dear Mac,

Thank you for referring Mrs. Lampe to my office for gynecological evaluation. She was first seen on November 10, 2103, but this report was intentionally delayed until the results from the endometrial biopsy where obtained. At the time of the initial visit, Mrs. Lampe stated that she had had no menses for 6 to 7 months. However, beginning about 3 to 4 weeks ago she developed a clear discharge which was blood-tinged during the week of her visit. She denied any pain associated with this bleeding. As you are familiar with her past history and review of systems these will not be reiterated at this time.

Gynecological examination revealed the following: Breasts: Symmetrical. No masses, tenderness, or induration. No axillary adenopathy. Abdomen: Flat. Liver, spleen, and kidneys not felt. No masses, tenderness, or hernias. Pelvic: External genitalia normal with normal female escutcheon. The introitus is porous. Perinea is intact. Bartholin and skene urethral glands are normal. There is no significant cystocele or rectocele. The vaginal mucosa is healthy in appearance. Direct visualization of the cervix revealed a small cervical polyp at six o’clock, which was removed. Bimanual palpation revealed the uterus to be retro-displaced, symmetrical in contour and slightly enlarged. The adnexal regions and the culdesac felt normal. As noted above, the cervical polyp was removed.

July 17, 2014


Page 2

An endometrial biopsy was done, and the uterus measured 9 CM in depth, which represents a slight enlargement. A large amount of hyperplastic/appearing tissue was obtained on the biopsy. As you know from your copy of the biopsy report, she does have a grade three cystic endometrial hyperplasia with focal adenomatous hyperplasia.

This information was conveyed to Mrs. Lampe, and the treatment indicated is a curettage. While I doubt if she has a malignancy, removal of all this hyperplastic tissue is indicated to make sure she does not have an in situ carcinoma present. She is a very apprehensive woman, and at this time, it is unknown whether she will proceed with the recommended surgery. If she does return for the curettage, I will see that you receive a copy of the surgical dictation and the pathology report.

Thank you again for your kindness in referring to Mrs. Lampe and for allowing me to assist with her care.

Warmest personal regards.

Very truly yours,

Martin P. Douglas, MD

Copy: Frank Horowitz MD

Editing Assignment 2: Letter 21

April 14, 2012

Medical Transcription 1 Graded Project

Mr. Eric Ojeda

Examination number

85 Westwind Way

Northfolk, VA 07225


Dear Mr. Ojeda,

I am writing to you in regard to my psychiatric evaluation of the above-named individual, conducted at Sweetwater Home Board and Care on November 5, 2012. I was requested by his wife to evaluate the patient psychiatrically because of the difficulty he has been experiencing recently in terms of confusion and agitated behavior. His wife asked me to evaluate him at Sweetwater as it is very difficult for her to transport the individual to my office because he is confused, disoriented and at times hostile and belligerent. According to the records, the patient is 69 years of age, has a history of rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis that is severe, C. H. F., afib, with history of multiple cerebral emboli that probably has caused senile dementia. He did not appear to recognize the purpose of the interview, nor did he appreciate the opportunity to present his view to the interviewer. He was able to state his name but was generally thoroughly hostile and openly oppositional and sarcastic during the interview.

He refused to give me many details of his past history relating that “I don’t need your help”. The patient himself did not speak spontaneously; he tended to repeat over and over again that he did not need help, that all he needed was his wife to take him out of Sweetwater. He did not appear to be able to give me the current date, time, year or month, nor was he able to give his location in terms of city or state. He refused to answer most of my questions, but it was apparent that the patient at times tended to confabulate and avoided answering questions that he would have difficulty with by being openly hostile. He had a very constricted effect that was at times labile, openly so, in anger and disgust. His mood was depressed, with some history of sleep disturbance, but he denied any suicidal ideation or any self-destructive behavior periods.



RE: Conservatorship, Elmer Edward Essing

Page 2

Hypothesis: The patient had general difficulty completing thought trends. He denied any hallucinations or delusions, but his guardedness would indicate possible paranoid ideation with the possible un-systematized persecutory delusional system. He felt there was some type of conspiracy against him to place him at Sweetwater Home Board and Care. He was unable to recognize and appreciate his medical and mental circumstances appropriately and respond to them in an appropriate manner. Judgment was impaired since the patient could not make medical or financial decisions in his best interest. I do not feel that he knows the extent of his medical illness or his financial situation. The patient was disoriented to time, person and place.

IMPRESSION: Organic brain syndrome, probably secondary to multiple cerebral emboli from the history of rheumatic H.D. and atrial fibrillation. At this point in time, I feel that the patient is gravely disabled, that he cannot provide food, shelter, or clothing for himself nor make decisions in regard3 to his medical or financial affairs in his best interest. I recommend that he be continued in a structured living situation with the supervision of medication and recommend conservatorship of person and property.

If further information is needed, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Yours Sincerely

Philip B. Michaelson, MD

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