Please anser questions based on attached reading. 1. What does taking a sociological perspective mean, according to Eitzen, Zinn & Smith. 2. Why do you think being able to look at things from a sociological point of view is important? At least 400 words. Please cite what is referenced. based of attachedIN CONFLICT AND ORDER Understanding Society Twelfth Edition D. Stanley Eitzen Colorado State University Maxine Baca Zinn Michigan State University Kelly Eitzen Smith University of Arizona Allyn and Bacon Boston • New York • San Francisco Mexico City • Montreal • Toronto • London • Madrid • Munich • Paris Hong Kong • Singapore • Tokyo • Cape Town • Sydney The Sociological Perspective I ife appears to be a series of choices for each of us. We decide how much school ing is important and what field to major in. We choose a job, a mate, and a • lifestyle. But how free are we? Have you ever felt trapped by events and condi tions beyond your control? Your religious beliefs may make you feel guilty for some behaviors. Your patriotism may cost you your life-even willingly. These ideological traps are powerful, so powerful that we usually do not even see them as traps. Have you ever felt trapped in a social relationship? Have you ever continued a relationship with a friend, a group of friends, a lover, or a spouse when you were convinced that this relationship was wrong for you? Have you ever participated in an act, which later seemed absolutely ridiculous, even immoral, because other people wanted you to? Most likely your answers to these questions are in the affirmative, because the people closest to us effectively command our conformity. At another level, have you ever felt that because of your race, gender, age, eth nicity, or social class, certain opportunities were closed to you? For example, if you are an African American football player, your chances to play certain positions on the team (usually quarterback, center, offensive guard, and kicker) will probably be limited regardless of your abilities. If you are a woman, you may want to try certain sports or jobs, but to do so would be to call your femininity into question. Even more remotely, each of us is controlled by decisions made in corporate boardrooms, in government bureaus, and in foreign capitals. Whether we retain employment may not be the consequence of our work behavior but rather the result of corporate decisions to move a plant overseas or to outsource the work offshore. Similarly, the actions of investment bankers and hedge fund managers can cause a worldwide financial crisis as occurred in the last months of 2008. When their too risky investments cratered, the stock market plunged and some major banks and bro kerage houses went bankrupt while others were rescued by the government. Panic ensued and fortunes were lost. Millions of Americans lost as much as half of the value of their savings as their stock portfolios and the value of their homes plummeted. A war in the Middle East reduces the supply of oil,