1-Aim:To study the operation of half wave rectifier.To find is:-1-Ripple Factor.2-Efficiency.3-Percentage Regulation.Components:-QuantityName1Diodes 1N4007(Si)1Resistor1kΩEquipments:-QuantityRangeName2(0-20)MHzCRO1CRO probes1200mADigital Ammeter10-20VDigital Voltmeter220V/9V, 50HzTransformerConnecting Wires
2-Theory:The Half-Wave Rectifier:-Adiode is connected to an acsource that provides the input voltage, and to a load resistor, forming a half-wave rectifier,As in the following figure:-When the sinusoidal input voltage goes positive, the diode isforward-biased and conducts current through the load resistor,Asin the following figure:-The current produces an output voltage across the load, which has the same shape as the positive half-cycle of the input voltage.