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Saint Leo University Graduate Business Studies

MBA 565 Marketing

Course Description: This course considers the operational and strategic planning issues confronting managers in marketing. Topics include buyer behavior, market segmentation, product selection and development, pricing, distribution, promotion, market research, international and multicultural marketing. Prerequisites: MBA 525 Textbook: Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). Marketing management (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0132102927; ISBN-13: 9780132102926 Simulation: PharmaSimMarketing Simulation (2009). Interpretive Simulations Access Code Card Group B. Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0136075126; ISBN-13: 9780136075127 Course Objectives: The student, upon fulfillment of the requirements of the course, will be able to:

 Determine what marketing strategy can realistically be accomplished for an organization, whether commercial, governmental, or non-profit.

 Determine when an organization needs to reformulate its marketing strategy.

 Identify and explain the highly complex interrelationships between the marketing variables that must be considered in developing marketing strategy.

 Discriminate between the controllable and uncontrollable marketing variables.

 Examine basic changes in the external marketing environment that will lead to a change in marketing strategy.

 Develop a mission statement that advances marketing efforts.

 Organize for successful implementation of marketing strategies.

 Evaluate the most effective techniques for gathering information, undertaking strategic analysis, and formulating strategies.

Special note: successful marketing managers often possess:

(a) Knowledge of and facility in the application of marketing concepts. (b) Knowledge of and facility employing marketing lingo (terms). (c) Oral and written poise in discussing and/or presenting marketing solutions to problems.

Important objectives of this course are to acquire such knowledge, hone described facilities, and practice executive level discussion, presentation, and writing poise. Students who accomplish these will enhance not only the branding of their own labor, but will also enhance the branding of the Saint Leo University MBA Program. Saint Leo Core Value: Community: Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change, and to serve.

The Core Value of Community will be evaluated by having students perform in group discussions and evaluating members’ contributions to the team. Evaluation: Assignment Percentage

Quizzes (6) 12 Midterm Exam 14 Final Exam 14 Discussions (8) 19 Simulation Initial Strategy Report 2 Performance 17.5 Final Report 17.5 Participation 4

Total 100% Grade Score (%) A 95-100% A- 90-94% B+ 86-89% B 83-85% B- 80-82% C 75-79% F Below 75% Course Format The key element is active participation in the discussion of the assigned reading material from the textbook and the other articles, as well as completion of an online simulation, quizzes, and exams. In addition to reading, students will view video content related to the topics covered in each module. Discussions Each module will include a discussion assignment (Module 1 will also include an additional “Introduction” topic). For each discussion topic, you are required to post an initial response to the question, as well substantial responses to at least two classmates. Moreover, each week your instructor will e-mail (or post as an announcement) a list of websites containing articles and events relevant to the material of the course. You may be asked to express your opinion on these topics in the Discussion Board as part of your discussion assignments. If the topic is very important, your instructor will have the freedom to replace the regular discussion topic for the week with one concerning the content of the website. Quizzes and Exams Modules 1-3 and 5-7 contain a multiple-choice quiz consisting of 20 questions based on the textbook chapters covered in the module. Note: Quiz 1 is 28 questions and includes questions from the PharmaSim manual (available at company’s website) and demo (accessible in the Course Home menu). Make sure that you have read and understand all the material assigned to a particular module before you begin the quiz. Given that you will have access to your book, the available time to take the test will be limited. The Midterm and Final essay exams are due by the end of Modules 4 and 8 respectively. You will gain access to the questions at the beginning of the module and have the entire week to complete them. PharmaSim Simulation The PharmaSim simulation is a web-based computer simulation that allows players to work in teams competing against computer-simulated teams. On the first day of class, the professor will provide

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students with a login ID and password, as well as the names of their group members and who the group leader is (only the leader can advance the simulation, but all members can purchase data and input decisions). Once you receive this info, go to http://www.interpretive.com/student and register (additional fee). Once you are registered, download the simulation manual from the website and study it carefully. Then, contact the other members of your firm using the Discussion Board created by the professor for your group. Simulation Schedule The simulation project will follow the schedule below: Module 1

 Register for the simulation

 View the PharmaSim Demo (available via a link in the Course Home menu)

 Download and study the manual

 Contact other group members and start thinking about your firm’s strategy

 Practice individually (entire week, the first two periods with three replays per period) Module 2

 Initial Strategy Report is due by Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

 Decision #1 is due by Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Module 3

 Decision #2 is due by Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

 Decision #3 is due by Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Module 4

 Decision #4 is due by Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Module 5

 Decision #5 is due by Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

 Decision #6 is due by Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Module 6

 Decision #7 is due by Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

 Decision #8 is due by Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Module 7

 Final Report is due by Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT (submit to Doc Sharing) Module 8

 Evaluation of group members is due by Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

 Discussion question: “Review all group reports and comment on one key strategic move that led to each competitor's success or demise.” (Initial post by Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT; responses to at least two classmates by Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT)

Initial Strategy Report The Initial Strategy Report will count as 2% of your course grade. You must e-mail your professor (one per group) with your strategy (short- and long-term). “A successful firm will likely have a strategy that is well thought out and executed. Creating a sound strategy is the most important process your firm will undertake because your strategy is the framework for all decision-making and firm organization. The strategy should be a long-term vision for your firm that every member of your team can reference when making decisions and analyzing data. Strategy is defining segments served and creating a sustainable competitive advantage. It is your road map. It is where and how your firm chooses to compete. It is essential" (Interpretive.com, 2011). The paper should address the following elements:

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 Business definition: Who do you want to serve and why? Be sure to include customers/segments to be targeted and customer needs satisfied. What is the rationale for these choices (e.g., segment attractiveness, market gaps, fit with resources, synergies)?

 Competitive advantage: What competitors will you complete against and how?

 Performance objectives: What are your firm’s performance goals (e.g., highest cumulative profit, highest stock price, largest market share)?

 Key success factors: What is required of your firm to execute this strategy successfully (e.g., product development, outspend competition, first in market)?

 Strategic assumptions: For your strategy to be successful, what are the underlying assumptions (e.g., first mover)?

In essence, your marketing strategy defines your team. How aggressive is its decision-making? How much risk is it comfortable with? Is it proactive or reactive to the marketplace? How patient is it with its decision(s)? Final Simulation Report The Final Report should describe your final results for all Allround brands by category. The written report must not exceed 15 double-spaced pages (12-point type) with one-inch margins, excluding title page and appendix. The report should not merely list the results, but detail what you learned during the simulation by addressing the following by category:

1. Manufacturer’s suggested retail price 2. Volume discounts and promotional allowances 3. Advertising budget 4. Selected advertising agency 5. Relative emphasis on the four types of advertising messages 6. Promotion’s budget with allocations to cooperative advertising and the three types of consumer

promotions 7. Sales force (number allocated to the five types of retail stores as well as to wholesale and indirect

support functions) 8. Segmentation 9. Product life cycle 10. Line extensions 11. Cumulative net income throughout the simulation and final stock price 12. What you anticipate would happen to the Allround brands in period nine

Your appendix must include:

1. Your firm’s initial strategy 2. Your team’s decisions, results, and interpretation of results for each of the eight periods 3. Graphs

Once your group finishes the report, one member will upload it to Doc Sharing to share with the entire class. The title of the report should include your group name, for example: “Group A_Report.” All students should have access to the other firms’ reports once the game is over so they can learn from their competitors’ insights and strategies. The reports form the basis for the discussion question in Module 8. Simulation group member evaluation The purpose of this evaluation is to give credit to those group members who went the "extra mile" or who did their fair share. Conversely, if any group member did not do his or her fair share (regardless of reason), he or she should not receive full credit. All evaluations will be kept confidential. Use the point scale and table below to record your evaluations. Please be accurate and fair in evaluating each group member on the four dimensions listed below. You will not evaluate yourself. Email your evaluation to the professor by the due date listed above. Attendance 10.00 Perfect attendance at all group meetings (including on time)

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9.00 Attended meetings regularly (including on time) 8.50 Average attendance (including on time) 8.00 Missed some key meetings (including on time) 7.00 Poor attendance at meetings (including on time) Productivity 40.00 Highest contribution to the group (work done on time and correctly) 36.00 Good productivity (work done on time and correctly) 34.00 Sometimes did not have work completed on time or produced poor quality 32.00 Often did not have work completed on time or produced poor quality 28.00 Did very little work, others had to compensate Academic contribution 40.00 A leader in ideas—a lot of good ideas, enthusiastic 36.00 Had good ideas often 34.00 Had good ideas from time to time, an average contributor 32.00 Either too quiet or not sufficiently interested to be an effective contributor 28.00 Contributed very little to the group Group leadership 10.00 The Group Leader (Note: Only one group member may receive a 10.) 9.00 An excellent group member 8.50 An average group member 7.50 Below average group member 7.00 Contributed the least to the group

Name (include all group

members except yourself)

Attendance Productivity Academic





points 1

1 Add the points from the previous four columns.

Simulation grading





100%-95% >$950m >$119

94%-90% $800m to $950m $100 to $119.9

89%-85% $650m to $799.99m $80 to $99.99

84%-80% $500m to $649.99m $60 to $79.99

79%-65% <$500m <$60

Attendance Policy: Students are expected to view the course modules in the week they are offered and to log on to the course often enough to remain abreast of any communications from the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of what is happening in the class online.

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Keith Griffin
Late Policy: All work must be submitted on time. Exceptions must be documented and acceptance is at the discretion of the faculty member. Students with Disabilities: Saint Leo University is committed to a policy which provides an equal opportunity for full participation of all qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act. Appropriate academic accommodations and services are coordinated through the Office of Disability Services. Students with disabilities who require accommodation should contact the office as soon as possible via email: ADAOffice@saintleo.edu or telephone: (352) 588-8464. For additional information, students may access the Policy and Procedure Manual through the Saint Leo website. Academic Honor Code: The Academic Honor Code is published in its entirety in the Saint Leo University Catalog. The first paragraph is quoted below:

Saint Leo University holds all students to the highest standards of honesty and personal integrity in every phase of their academic life. All students have a responsibility to uphold the Academic Honor Code by refraining from any form of academic misconduct, presenting only work that is genuinely their own, and reporting any observed instance of academic dishonesty to a faculty member.

It is the responsibility of every member of the faculty and student body to cooperate in supporting the Honor Code. Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to the following categories:


 Providing or receiving academic work to or from another student without the permission of the instructor/professor.

 Buying or selling academic work.

 Violating test conditions.

 Forging academic documents.

 Copying computer programs. Plagiarism

 Stealing and passing off the ideas and words of another as one's own or using the work of another without crediting the source whether that source is authored by a professional or a peer.

 Submitting an article or quoted material from a periodical or the internet as one’s own.

 Retyping or re-titling another student's paper and handing it in as one’s own.

 Intentionally or unintentionally failing to cite a source. Complicity

 Helping another student commit an act of academic dishonesty. Misrepresentation

 Resubmitting previous work, in whole or in part, for a current assignment without the written consent of the current instructor(s).

 Having another student complete one’s own assignments, quizzes, or exams.

 Lying to a professor.

 Fabricating a source. Please refer to the Saint Leo University Academic Catalog for more information on the Honor Code and procedures for adjudication.

Protection of the Academic Environment Disruption of academic process is the act or words of a student in a classroom or online environment which in the reasonable estimation of a faculty member (a) directs attention away from the academic matters at hand, such as distractions, persistent, disrespectful or abusive interruptions of academic discussions, or (b) presents a danger to the health, safety or well-being of the faculty member or students. Education is a cooperative endeavor, one that takes place within a context of basic interpersonal respect. We must therefore make the learning environment conducive to the purpose for which we are here. Disruption, intentional and unintentional, is an obstacle to that aim. We can all aid in creating the proper environment, in small ways and in more fundamental ways. So, when we speak in class, we can disagree without attacking each other and no one speaks in a manner or of off-topic content that disrupts the class. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action. Please refer to the Student Handbook for further details. Cannon Memorial Library Resources for Online Learning Courses:

Cannon Memorial Library Librarians are available during reference hours to assist you. To contact the librarian on duty, please call 1.800.359.5945 or email reference.desk@saintleo.edu. Reference Hours** Monday to Thursday 9 AM—10 PM Friday 9 AM—5 PM Saturday/Sunday 10 AM—6 PM **Subject to change. Check the calendar for current information. Web Address (URL) http://www.saintleo.edu/Academics/Library Online Catalog “LeoCat” (All Books, eBooks, and Media) Click on Library Catalog (LeoCat) on the Cannon Memorial Library homepage. SLU students, faculty and staff may borrow books from Cannon Memorial Library. Books you can check-out have Location=Cannon Library, Second Floor and Status=Available. Use the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery link on the library’s website to place your request. Online Library Resources (Articles and eBooks) Saint Leo provides an array of online article databases and eBook collections that support your classes. Use the Online Library Resources link on the Cannon Memorial Library homepage to access the online resources. CQ Researcher………………..…..….. (In-depth topical analysis by Congressional Quarterly) Dissertations and Theses……..…..…. (A database of published Dissertations and Theses, including

those from Saint Leo University) EBSCO ………………………………… (Comprehensive all-subject database, includes Business Source Premier, Academic Source Premier, ERIC, ATLA) Literature Resource Center……..….... (Comprehensive source for literary topics, includes Twayne

Authors) Newsbank: America’s Newspapers…. (625 U.S. newspapers) ProQuest……………………………….. (Comprehensive all-subject database, includes ABI/Inform Global) PsycINFO………………………………. (APA abstracts and indexing for psychology subjects) Westlaw………………………………… (Comprehensive legal resource) Wilson…………………………………... (Includes Education, Science, Humanities, & Business indexes)

Supplemental Library Resources Saint Leo encourages students to obtain a public library borrowing card at their earliest convenience. Many state libraries grant public library cardholders free remote access to multiple online databases containing full-text articles. For further information, contact your local public library. To find updated links to all state libraries, as well as public libraries, law libraries, and college libraries in your area, go to http://www.publiclibraries.com/. Library Tutorial The University strongly encourages all students to review the instructional tools on the library’s Help! link. By learning to become more proficient researchers, students will also enhance their academic success. Please review the library tutorial and complete the online test which will prepare you for utilizing the library's resources and services. A score of 70 or higher is necessary to pass. Please allow yourself 15-20 minutes to take the test. Additional Assistance: MBA program questions/concerns should be addressed to mbaslu@saintleo.edu. Technical questions concerning the course should be addressed to the eCollege Help Desk, by clicking the ?Help button in the upper right corner of the Course Home page. Then select Help Desk from the left-hand navigation tree in the Help Pages window, to access the email form. Or, phone the eCollege Help Desk at 866-501- 1636.

Course Schedule: Module 1 Defining Marketing Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Define marketing, explain how it works, identify what is marketed, and who does the marketing.

 Apply all methods on how to explore, create, and deliver value to the customer.

 Utilize the important components and functions of a modern Marketing Information System.

 Master the steps of the marketing research process, as well as the key marketing research approaches.

Assignments Module 2 The Customer Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Combine the components and interactions among customer value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in ways that support the firm’s marketing strategies.

 Assess, support, and expand customer equity by focusing on its driving force of value equity, brand equity, and relationship equity.

 Design strategies based on the key ideas and the importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

 Identify and incorporate in your marketing strategies the key factors influencing consumer behavior.

 Describe the key elements of the buying decision process and its implications on marketing strategy.


Action Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Post Introduction to the Discussion Board Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Read Textbook Chapters 1-4

View Audio Visual Presentation (AVP)

View AFLAC video

Post Initial response to discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post Responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete Simulation registration Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Read PharmaSim manual

View PharmaSim demo

Complete Individual simulation practice

Begin Discussing group simulation strategy

Complete Quiz Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Action Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Read Textbook Chapters 5-6

View AVP

View Meredith video

Post Initial response to discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post Responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit Initial Strategy Report Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete Simulation Decision #1 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete Quiz Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

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Module 3 The Business Market Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Identify key differences between the business market and the consumer market, and adjust their strategies accordingly.

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