TipsVocabulary1. lacrimal(lac·ri'·mal) also lach·ry·mal: pertaining to the tear ducts//lacrimony (state of crying), lacrimonious (tearful). 2. tautology(taw-taw'-le-gee): a redundant restatement of the already stated. Viz. -If it doesn't cloudup tomorrow, it will be sunny. 3. megalomania (meg'·a·lo·ma'·ni·a) Grandiose delusions of oneself. A psychiatric condition. Megalomaniac is used colloquially to describe a braggart. 4. nefarious (ne·fair'·ee·us) Extremely wicked, vile, evil. 5. Suffix” –mony” (moan·ee) Means the state of whatever the base condition indicates. Examples: matrimony (mother state), lacrimony (tearful state), acrimony (sharp and sour state), alimony (to feed state). To avoid the matrimony, lacrimony, acrimony alimony cycle, aim for harmony (joint state).6.sacerdotal (sass'·er·do·tul)Pertains to priests or the priesthood7.penurious(pe· nu'·ri·us) miserly8.zumbooruk(zum'·boo·ruuk) A small canon mounted with swivel on a camel and fired while on the run. (The only use you might have for this word is stumping Latin majors sinceits origin is Arabic.)9.oligarchy(oh-l'·i·gar'·key) 1) a government of the few 2) people comprising such a government 10.incredulous(in-kred'·you·lus) adj. Unbelieving as in “I was incredulous when I heard the WTC was down.”11.Spoonerism (Spoon'·er·is·em) n. The amusing juxtaposition of word parts. Example: Is the bean dizzy? Rather than, is the Dean dusy? Named after the Reverend W. A. Spooner(1844-1930), Dean of New College in Oxford, England.'·a·prop·is·em) n. A term coined by Sheridanfor a character in his play The Rivals(late 1700’s) who ridiculously misused words that sound alike. Example: Hungry, we are emancipated! (should be emaciated)
Communication1. Avoid saying, "different than." Say," different from." 2. Do not say, "single most." Say," most." "Most" is superlative meaning only one. Consequently, there is no need for "single." "Single most" may sound impressive but is really irritating verbosity. Were it not so, we should hear at times, "many most," "several most," or "a few most." There are exceedingly rare situations when "single" and "--est" are needed in tandem. Example, "It is the biggest single weekend event." In this case “single” modifies the type of event -"a single weekend event" -as opposed to a "two-weekendevent," and it was the biggest such event. 3.Avoid using the word "schizophrenic" unless you mean separation between reality and perception. Too often people use this word incorrectly when they are trying to describe dual personality. Over a millionpeople in the United States suffer from schizophrenia with onset typically around age 25. Medication effects range from miraculous to disappointing. Do not inadvertently offend the many who directly and indirectly are affected by this serious ailment byusing "schizophrenic" when you mean "duality." Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde were dual personalities. In contrast, a schizophrenic might look at a billboard and see a non-existent personal message to them as well as hear voices that are not real. The cause is thought to be incorrect chemical process kinetics at the brain synapses.4. Avoid the phrase "the fact that." It means nothing 99.99% of the time. Leave it out.A TV commentator recently epitomized this bit of syntactical nonsense by saying, “What about the fact thatbin Laden might possibly be in Pakistan”? Some fact! She should have said, “What about the possibility that bin Laden is in Pakistan”?5.Do not use "hopefully" unless you are certain you know what "hopefully" modifies. Ninety-nine times out of 100 "hopefully" modifies an inanimate noun. For example: "Hopefully, the car will start," means the car is hopeful! What is meant is, "I hope the car will start." Get in the habit of saying "I hope" and let inanimate object remain unemotional. The last thing anyone needs is an angry toaster or a depressed car in the morning. How do, "Depressed, the car could not start" and "Torqued, the toaster burned my toast" strike you? 6.Do not say, “---one of the only.” Only means one. Only originally came from “oneness.” It is fine to say, “---one of the few.”7.Do not use redundant extremes such as very excellent, very unique, very superior, far left extremist. Simply say excellent, unique, superior, left extremist since excellent implies very; unique is one of a kind; superior is the best; and a left extremist is far left. 8.The use of “and” does not change the pronoun case. It would be an unusual adult that would be caught saying, “Me went to the night club.” Yet, we often hear young