Hello everyone, I have an Assignment for you today. This assignment must be DONE by Sunday, March 28, 2021, no later than 10 pm. By the way, I need this assignment to be PLAGIARISM FREE & a Spell Check when completed. Make sure you READ the instructions CAREFULLY. Now without further ado, the instructions to the assignments are below:
A local retail store wants to expand its offerings. Currently, they only offer women’s fashions and accessories. They have been approached to offer little girls clothing as well as men’s clothing. The boutique is not sure which direction to go in. They would like to get public opinion about which offering is more needed and sustainable. They have three main concerns.
The first concern is which offering to expand with—men’s clothing or girls’ clothing. Second, how many items should be put on the survey (e.g., men’s pants, shirts, shoes, watches, and hats versus girls dresses, shoes, doll, toys, and jeans). Third, what type of sampling plan should be developed and who should the respondents be? Should they be current customers, new customers, old customers, or all residents?
The owner has asked you as a marketing consultant to assist her in this project. She has asked you the following questions:
How many questions should the survey contain to adequately address all possible new store items?
Should there be two separate surveys or will one suffice?
How should potential respondents be selected for the survey? Should current customers be approached about the survey while they are shopping? Should customers be asked to participate as they exit, or should they use a mail or telephone approach to collect information?
Based on the questions and concerns above, determine the appropriate sample design. You may take the liberty to fill in any information as needed (e.g., size of population, name of boutique). Write a response to the boutique owner that addresses the following questions.
Who is the target population?
What is the sampling frame? Why is sampling important?
Should a probability or non-probability sample be used, and why? What are the differences in the two types, and how did this help you to make your decision?
What type of sampling design should be employed (e.g., simple random, stratified, convenience)?
Given the sample design suggested, how will potential respondents be selected for the study?
Finally, determine the sample size and suggest a plan for selecting the sampling units. What factors helped you to determine the sample size?
Your scholarly activity must be at least two pages in length, and you should use at least two academic sources. Any information from these sources must be cited and referenced in APA format, and you should format your paper in APA style.
By the way, I have a attachment below which is a study guide. Lastly, is a CSU article from the study guide for this assignment. Any additional information must be cited & referenced. You are welcome to using other educational sites as long it's pertaining to the topic. Be sure to use the resources below & be sure utilize the "Required Unit Resources" from the study guide for further information on this assignment. Remember NO PLAGIARISM & I need will need a PLAGIARISM REPORT upon completion.
MAR 3231, Marketing Research 1
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VI Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
6. Discuss guidelines for utilizing appropriate sample sizes. 6.1 Identify factors to consider when determining sample size. 6.2 Determine sample size for a specific scenario.
7. Summarize key sampling methods used in marketing research.
7.1 Explain the role of sampling in the research process. 7.2 Examine the differences between probability and non-probability sampling. 7.3 Determine the appropriate sample design for a specific scenario.
Course/Unit Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity
6.1 Unit Lesson Presentation; “Sample Size in Statistics: How to find it;” Scholarly Activity
6.2 “Sample Size in Statistics: How to find it;” Scholarly Activity
7.1 Unit Lesson Presentation; “Five Steps in Creating a Survey Sampling Plan;” “What is Sampling Plan and its Application in Market Research?;” “Statistical Inference Used in Market Research;” Scholarly Activity
Unit Lesson Presentation; “Difference Between Probability and Non-Probability Sampling;” “Probability Sampling: Definition, Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages;” “Non-Probability Sampling: Definition, Types;” Scholarly Activity
7.3 “Five Steps in Creating a Survey Sampling Plan;” “What is Sampling Plan and its Application in Market Research?;” Scholarly Activity
Required Unit Resources In order to access the following resources, click the links below: Andale. (2017). Non-probability sampling: Definition, types. Retrieved from
http://www.statisticshowto.com/non-probability-sampling/ Andale. (2017). Probability sampling: Definition, types, advantages, and disadvantages. Retrieved from
http://www.statisticshowto.com/probability-sampling/ Andale. (2017). Sample size in statistics: How to find it. Retrieved from http://www.statisticshowto.com/find-
sample-size-statistics/ Bhasin, H. (2016). What is sampling plan and its application in market research? Retrieved from
http://www.marketing91.com/sampling-plan/ Catoiu, I., Stanciu, O., & Tichindelean, M. (2010). Statistical inference used in marketing research. Studies in
Business and Economics, 5(3), 130–136. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direc t=true&db=bth&AN=80448982&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Dobney.com. (n.d.). Understanding market research samples and sampling methods. Retrieved from
Sampling Design and Procedures
MAR 3231, Marketing Research 2
Research LifeLine. (2012). Five steps in creating a survey sampling plan. Retrieved from http://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/58820/docs/rl_process_wp_five_step_sampling.pdf
Surbhi, S. (2016). Difference between probability and non-probability sampling. Retrieved from
Unit Lesson The unit lessons for this course are presented through interactive presentations.
Unit VI Lesson Unit VI Lesson PDF