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6. Web 2.0: Social Networking
Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are used by businesses much in the same way that blogs, podcasts, and wikis are. Social
networking sites provide a platform for businesses to connect with customers and employees, share news, exchange ideas, and build networks. As a
professional, you will need to understand how to harness the power of social networking to promote your career and your organization.
Which of the following tips for using social networks will help you keep your job?
Networking sites have become increasingly important for building professional networks. Sites such as LinkedIn are viewed as indispensible for
corporate .
Read the scenario, and then answer the question.
Xochi is a corporate PR consultant. She has many clients and must monitor multiple information sources to track her clients’ profiles in
the news.
What tool should Xochi use to search and manage this information?
What are the dos of using electronic media professionally? Check all that apply.
Establish boundaries.
Tag all pictures.
Reject coworkers’ “friend” requests.
Social bookmarking
Keep virus and malware protection current.
Keep sensitive information private.
Avoid sharing personal files at work.
Pick strong passwords and vary them.