ITEM #⑤: REQUIRED ESSAY [20 points]
SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING VIDEOS from Chapters 12, 14 & 16 of Heizer and Render.
Chapter 12 Videos: Inventory Control
(i.) “Managing Inventory at Fitro-Lay” (pages 525-526 and on MyOMLab)
(ii.) “Inventory Control at Wheeled Coach” (page 526 and on MyOMLab).
Chapter 14: MRP & ERP
(i.) “When 18,500 Orlando Magic Fans Come to Dinner” (pages 595-596 and on MyOMLab)
(ii.) “MRP at Wheeled Coach” (page 596 and on MyOMLab).
Chapter 16 Videos: Lean Operations
(i.) “Lean Operations at Alaska Airlines” (pages 655-656 (top) and on MyOMLab)
(ii.) “JIT at Arnold Palmer Hospital” (pages 656 and on MyOMLab)
Select ONE of these videos and write a good total for all parts TWO-PAGE* ESSAY DOUBLE-SPACED WORD-PROCESSED ESSAY that consists of the following: You need to LABEL where parts (a), (b), (c) are in your essay.
*If you use a larger than 1 inch margins on top and bottom and left and right, then you must continue your word-processed essay onto a third sheet in order to have equivalent of two-full pages of text!!!
(a.) Write a SUMMARY of the ONE video you selected.
(b.) Write an essay of how the CONCEPTS in corresponding Chapter relate and can be applied to your SELECTED video case. Be specific to how terminology discussed in that Chapter can be applied (e.g. Chapter 12 terminology and concepts IF video selected is from Chapter 12 of “Managing Inventory at Frito-Lay” as discussed on pages 525-526.).
(c.) Write your own CRITIQUE of the applications of OM techniques used for your SELECTED video case study. E.g., Are the other OM techniques that it should have applied but didn’t? Did it or didn’t it overdo some OM technique(s)? Are the OM techniques applied to your selected case study that are applied globally be applied uniformly or differently for different parts of the world or commodities it deals with? Be specific.