Genre – Romantic Comedy
Deeanne Rogers
ENG255 Introduction to Film
Instructor: Melissa Carr
June 11, 2018
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Genre – Romantic Comedy
Genre theory is what we use to categorize what type of film that you as the audience is
about to watch. All movies have at least one type of genre but for most, they have more than one
or some sub-genres. Goodykoontz and Jacobs (2014) wrote that movies tend to use familiar
things such as character types and iconography (which is visual imagery with symbolic
implications) that is recognizable and that is what gives the viewers an expectation of the movie.
Romantic Comedy is a genre that is “Light-hearted, humorous story, involving two people in
love” (Goodykoontz & Jacobs 2014) This paper will be about romantic comedies specifically
When Harry Met Sally which is about just that, two people that are humorous together and how
their love grew out of an unlikely friendship. The setting that this film takes place in is New York
which is frequently used in romantic movies and there are repeated uses of wedding scenes used
to find that quest for love. (Calvert, K.)
When Harry Met Sally came out in 1989 when rom com’s (As they are called) were still
popular. This film had the same goal as most romantic comedies, that two people fall in love and
there are many comedic parts along the way. As the storyline follows the same as the others in
rom com films boy and girl meet, have a connection but move on, meet up again and eventually
become friends which leads them to love, this film also deals with the battle of the sexes in a
unique way.
Harry and Sally meet after graduation from the University of Chicago through a friend of
Sally’s and Harry’s girlfriend. They begin their journey together with an 18-hour ride to New
York. During that drive they find themselves complete opposites to conclude they could not be
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1. we
Avoid using first-person
pronouns/perspective in
formal written communication.
[Melissa Carr]
2. When Harry Met Sally
Movie titles should be
italicized. [Melissa Carr]
3. films
There is a missing comma
after an introductory element.
The following example
demonstrates how to correct
this error: “During her lunch
break, she worked on
homework.” See this Writing
Center page for help with
comma usage:
u/commas [Melissa Carr]
friends. One of the great lines was during this ride when Harry told Sally that men and women
cannot be friends because sex always gets in the way.
Continuing in the story years later they meet again at an airport where they are both on
the same flight. She was currently in a relationship and he was going to be married so Harry
amended his first rule that men and women could not be friends unless both parties are
unavailable then they could be friends. They talk more over their flight however they still are yet
to get together which follows along with the typical romantic comedy. It is not until 6 years later
that they see each other in a bookstore to discover they are both alone again. They talk over time,
spend a great deal of time with each other and slowly become friends but leaves the viewers
hanging again on if they will come together. They set up their friends who find a connection and
find love themselves and go on dates with other people. It is not until they are both dating
steadily that you as the viewers see that certain look that you get from romantic movies that they
begin to feel something more.
It is when Sally calls Harry because Joe is getting married (her ex) that you see the other
typical move in rom com films where boy gets girl, girl feels more than boy, so boy loses girl
until the end of the movie when he realizes that he, in fact, loves her and wants to be with her.
Another great line in this movie that gives it the element of romance is when he looks at her and
says that “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody you want the
rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
The comedic genre of this movie lies in the conversations that these two have together
from the first-time meeting, “Men and women cannot be friends” to the deli scene where Sally
fakes an orgasm and the older Jewish woman (Rob Reiner’s mother) says “I’ll have what she’s
having”. This film was full of the one-liners that made this into the comedy it is.
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1. later
There is a missing comma
after an introductory element.
The following example
demonstrates how to correct
this error: “During her lunch
break, she worked on
homework.” See this Writing
Center page for help with
comma usage:
u/commas [Melissa Carr]
There are other genres that go into the sub-genres that are called screwball rom coms like
What’s Up Doc, Overboard and newer ones like Knocked up. These films show over the top
situations whereas regular romantic comedies are more grounded and realistic. When you are
talking about romantic comedies your first thought is younger protagonists but as I read in
Unlikely Heroines, that it is not too late for older women to be the protagonists like Diane
Keaton played in Something’s Gotta Give. (Jermyn, D. 2011) It is not always the young women
that find their role in the romantic comedy older women can find love also.
In conclusion, romantic comedies may seem limited within its genre because it is about
boy meets girl, boy gets the girl in the end as the audience expects, there are newer more
contemporary romantic comedies coming out. Not all rom com films are going to be made for
younger viewers due to the raunchiness that is there, however it does not mean that the old ones
can’t be watched and enjoyed still.
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Calvert, K. (2018). Media Studies Factsheet:110, The Romantic Comedy Film Genre Curriculum Press Retrieved from nt/0/110%20Rom%20coms.pdf
Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2014).Film: From watching to seeing (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from
Jermyn, D. (2011). Unlikely heroines? Cineaction, 26-33. Retrieved from https://search-
When Harry Met Sally (1989). Retrieved from