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When writing persuasive messages, one way to avoid faulty logic is to

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Business Communication Essentials

Eighth Edition

Chapter 9

Writing Persuasive Messages

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Learning Objectives

9.1 Apply the three-step writing process to persuasive messages.

9.2 Describe an effective strategy for developing persuasive business messages.

9.3 Identify the three most common categories of persuasive messages.

9.4 Describe an effective strategy for developing marketing and sales messages, explain how to modify this approach for social media, and identify steps you can take to avoid ethical lapses in marketing and sales messages.

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Using the Three-Step Process for Persuasive Messages

LO 9.1 Apply the three-step process to persuasive messages.

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Whether you’re convincing your boss to open a new office in Europe or encouraging potential customers to try your products, you’ll use many of the same techniques of persuasion—the attempt to change an audience’s attitudes, beliefs, or actions. Successful professionals understand that persuasion is not about trickery or getting people to act against their own best interests; it’s about letting audiences know they have choices and presenting your offering in the best possible light.


Step 1: Planning Persuasive Messages

Analyze the Situation

Gather the Information

Select the Medium and Channel

Organize the Information

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In today’s business environment, having a great idea or a great product is no longer enough. Every day, untold numbers of good ideas go unnoticed and good products go unsold, simply because the messages meant to promote them aren’t compelling enough to be heard above the competitive noise.

Creating successful persuasive messages demands careful attention to all four tasks in the planning step, starting with an insightful analysis of your purpose and your audience.


Analyzing the Situation

Gauging Audience Desires and Interests

Demographic Information

Psychographic Information

Audience’s Level of Motivation

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A clear purpose is important in every message, but it is even more important in persuasive messages because you are asking the audience to do something. In defining your purpose, make sure you’re clear about what you really hope to achieve.

The best persuasive messages are closely connected to your audience’s desires and interests. To understand and categorize audience needs, you can refer to specific information such as demographics (age, gender, occupation, income, education, and other quantifiable characteristics) and psychographics (personality, attitudes, lifestyle, and other psychological characteristics).

If you aim to change someone’s attitudes, beliefs, or actions, you must understand his or her motivation—the combination of forces that drive people to satisfy their needs. The more closely a persuasive message aligns with a recipient’s existing motivation, the more effective the message is likely to be.


Gathering Information

Persuasive and Compelling

Business Messages

Marketing Messages

Sales Messages

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Once your situation analysis is complete, you need to gather the information necessary to create a compelling persuasive message. You’ll learn more about the types of information to include for persuasive business messages and marketing and sales messages later in this chapter. Chapter 10 presents advice on how to find the information you need.


Selecting the Right Combination of Medium and Channel

Nature of Persuasive Messages

Range of Consumer Attitudes

Variety of Communication Media

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Media and channel choices are always important, of course, but these decisions are particularly sensitive with persuasive messages because such messages are often unexpected or even unwelcome. For instance, some people don’t mind promotional email messages for products they’re interested in; others resent every piece of commercial email they receive.

Persuasive messages can be found in virtually every communication medium, from instant messages and podcasts to radio advertisements and skywriting. In fact, advertising agencies employ media specialists whose only jobs are to analyze the media options available and select the most cost-effective combination for each client and each advertising campaign.


Organizing Your Information

The Direct or the Indirect Approach?

What Is Your Relationship with the Audience?

What Is the Extent of Your Power, Authority, or Expertise?

Change Reader’s Attitudes, Beliefs, or Actions

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The nature of persuasion is to convince your audience to change their attitudes, beliefs, or actions, so most persuasive messages use an indirect approach. In contrast, when you have a close relationship with your audience, and the message is welcome or neutral, a direct approach can be effective.

Your choice between the direct and indirect approaches is also influenced by the extent of your authority, expertise, or power in an organization. Think carefully about your corporate culture and what your audience expects before selecting your approach.


Step 2: Writing Persuasive Messages

Use Positive and Polite Language

Respect Cultural Differences

Understand Culture in Organizations

Establish Your Credibility

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The generally uninvited and occasionally even unwelcome nature of persuasive messages means the “you” attitude is more critical than ever. Most people won’t even pay attention to your message, much less respond to it, if it isn’t about them. You can encourage a more welcome reception by doing the following:

Using positive and polite language. Positive language usually happens naturally with persuasive messages because you are promoting an idea or a product you believe in.

Understanding and respecting cultural differences. Be sure to understand cultural expectations. For example, a message that seems forthright and direct in a low-context culture might seem brash and intrusive in a high-context culture.

Being sensitive to organizational cultures. Just as social culture affects the success of a persuasive message, so does the culture within various organizations. Some organizations handle disagreement and conflict in an indirect, behind-the-scenes way, whereas others accept and even encourage open discussion and sharing of differing viewpoints.

Taking steps to establish your credibility. You can boost your credibility by using simple language, providing objective evidence, identifying your sources, finding common ground, being fair and logical, and showing that you have your audience’s best interests at heart.


Building Your Credibility

Using Simple Language

Providing Objective Evidence

Identifying Your Source Materials

Establishing Common Ground

Being Objective, Fair, and Logical

Focusing on the Audience’s Interests

Using Logic, Evidence, and Narratives

Building Credibility before Presenting

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Finally, when you are trying to persuade a skeptical or hostile audience, credibility is essential. Use these techniques:

Use simple language to avoid suspicions of fantastic claims and emotional manipulation.

Provide objective evidence for the claims and promises you make.

Identify your sources, especially if your audience already respects those sources.

Establish common ground by emphasizing beliefs, attitudes, and background experiences you have in common with the audience.

Be objective and present fair and logical arguments.

Display your willingness to keep your audience’s best interests at heart.

Persuade with logic, evidence, and compelling narratives, rather than trying to coerce with high-pressure, “hard sell” tactics.

Whenever possible, try to build your credibility before you present a major proposal or ask for a major decision. That way, audiences don’t have to evaluate both you and your message at the same time.


Step 3: Completing Persuasive Messages

Evaluate Your Content

Produce Your Message

Proofread Your Message

Distribute Your Message

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Professionals know that details can make or break a persuasive message, so they don’t skimp on this part of the writing process. When you evaluate your content, judge your argument objectively and don’t overestimate your credibility. If possible, ask an experienced colleague who knows your audience well to review your draft.

As you produce your message, make sure your design elements complement your argument. Meticulous proofreading will identify mechanical or spelling errors that would weaken your persuasive potential. Finally, make sure your distribution methods fit your audience’s expectations, as well as your purpose.


Summary of Discussion (1 of 6)

In this section, we discussed the following:

Step 1: Planning Persuasive Messages

Analyzing the Situation

Gathering Information

Selecting the Right Combination of Medium and Channel

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Summary of Discussion (2 of 6)

Organizing Your Information

Step 2: Writing Persuasive Messages

Building Your Credibility

Step 3: Completing Persuasive Messages

The next section will cover Developing Persuasive Business Messages.

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Developing Persuasive Business Messages

LO 9.2 Describe an effective strategy for developing persuasive business messages.

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Your success as a businessperson is closely tied to your ability to encourage others to accept new ideas, change old habits, or act on your recommendations. Unless your career takes you into marketing and sales, most of your persuasive messages will be designed to elicit a preferred response in a nonsales situation. Within the context of the three-step process, effective persuasion involves four essential strategies: framing your arguments, balancing emotional and logical appeals, reinforcing your position, and anticipating objections.


Framing Your Arguments (the AIDA Model)

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Many persuasive messages follow some variation of the indirect approach. One of the most commonly used variations is called the AIDA model, which organizes your presentation into four phases:

Attention. Your first objective is to encourage your audience to want to hear about your problem, idea, or new product—whatever your main idea is. Be sure to find some common ground on which to build your case.

Interest. Provide additional details that prompt audience members to imagine how the solution might benefit them.

Desire. Help audience members embrace your idea by explaining how the change will benefit them and answering potential objections.

Action. Suggest the specific action you want your audience to take. Include a deadline, when applicable.

The AIDA model is tailor-made for using the indirect approach, allowing you to save your main idea for the action phase. However, it can also be modified for the direct approach. In either case, the AIDA model does have limitations—e.g., talking at audiences rather than with them and focusing on single events, not long-term relationships. As you’ll learn in this chapter, a more conversational approach is better with today’s social media.


Balancing Emotional and Logical Appeals

Emotional Appeals

Feelings, Emotions, and Sympathies

Logical Appeals

Analogy, Induction, and Deduction

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Most persuasive messages include both emotional and logical appeals. The key is finding the right balance for each message.

An emotional appeal calls on human feelings, basing the argument on audience needs or sympathies. For instance, you can make use of the emotion inspired by words such as freedom, success, prestige, compassion, and comfort. Such words put your audience in a certain frame of mind and help people accept your message.

Many marketing and sales messages rely heavily on emotional appeals, but most persuasive business messages rely more on logic; and even if your audience’s emotions influence their decision, they’ll look for logical support as well. A logical appeal uses one of three types of reasoning:

With analogy, you reason from specific evidence to specific evidence.

With induction, you work from specific evidence to a general conclusion.

With deduction, you work from a generalization to a specific conclusion.


Avoiding Faulty Logic

Hasty Generalizations

Circular Reasoning

Inappropriate Appeals

Attacking an Opponent

Oversimplifying a Complex Issue

Mistaken Cause–Effect Assumptions

Faulty Analogies

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Every method of reasoning is vulnerable to misuse. To avoid faulty logic, follow these guidelines:

Avoid hasty generalizations. Make sure you have plenty of evidence before drawing conclusions.

Avoid circular reasoning. Circular reasoning involves supporting your claim by restating it in different words. The statement “We know temporary workers cannot handle this task because temps are unqualified for it doesn’t prove anything because the claim and the supporting evidence are essentially identical.

Inappropriate Appeals appeal to traditions (we’ve always done it this way), popular opinion (everyone is doing it), or authority. These are logical fallacies because they are not based on evidence or reason.

Avoid attacking an opponent. Attack the argument your opponent is making, not your opponent’s character.

Avoid oversimplifying a complex issue. For example, don’t reduce a complex situation to a simple “either/or” statement if the situation isn’t that simple.

Avoid mistaken assumptions of cause and effect. If you can’t isolate the impact of a specific factor, you can’t assume that it’s the cause of whatever effect you’re discussing. You lowered prices, and sales went up. Were lower prices the cause? Maybe, but the sales increase might have been caused by a better advertising campaign, changes in the weather, or some other factor.

Avoid faulty analogies. Be sure that the two objects or situations being compared are similar enough for the analogy to hold. For instance, explaining that an Internet firewall is like a prison wall is a poor analogy, because a firewall keeps things out, whereas a prison wall keeps things in.


Reinforcing Your Position

Believable Evidence

Powerful Words

Metaphors and Stories

Audience Benefits

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After you have worked out the basic elements of your argument, step back and look for ways to bolster the strength of your position. Are your claims supported by believable evidence?

Next, examine your language. Can you find more powerful words to convey your message? As with any powerful tool, be sure to use vivid language and abstractions carefully and honestly.

In addition to individual word choices, consider using metaphors and other figures of speech. In a similar way, brief stories (anecdotes) can help your audience grasp the meaning and importance of your arguments.

Beyond the specific wording of your message, look for other forces and factors that can reinforce your position. When you are asking for something, your audience members will find it easier to grant your request if they stand to benefit from it as well.


Anticipating Objections

Counter Negative Elements

Focus on Positive Communication

Present All Sides of the Situation

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Even the most powerful persuasive messages can expect to encounter some initial resistance. Anticipate as many objections as you can and address them in your initial message before your audience can even bring them up. By doing so, you can remove the potentially negative elements from the conversation and keep the focus on positive communication.

If you expect a hostile audience, one biased against your plan from the beginning, present all sides—cover all options, explaining the pros and cons of each. You’ll gain additional credibility if you present these options before presenting the recommendation or decision. People support what they help create, so involve your audience in the design of the solution, if you can.


Avoiding Common Mistakes in Persuasive Communication

Common Mistakes

Using a Hard Sell Approach

Being Resistant to Compromise

Relying Solely on Great Arguments

Using a “One-Shot” Approach

Using Deception or Unethical Behaviors

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When you believe in a concept or project, it’s easy to get caught up in your own emotions and forget to see things from the perspective of your audience. When putting together persuasive arguments, avoid common mistakes such as the following:

Using a hard sell. Don’t push. No one likes being pressured into making a decision. In contrast, a “soft sell” is more like a comfortable conversation that uses calm, rational persuasion.

Resisting compromise. Persuasion is a process of give and take. A persuader rarely changes another person’s behavior or viewpoint without altering his or her own views in the process.

Relying solely on great arguments. Great arguments matter, but they are only one part of the equation. Connecting with your audience on the right emotional level, and communicating through vivid language are all just as important; they bring your argument to life.

Assuming persuasion is a one-shot effort. Persuasion is a process, not a one-time event. More often than not, persuasion involves listening to others, testing a position, developing a new position, more testing, more compromise, and so on.

Resorting to deception or unethical behaviors: Emotional appeals are amplified by the audiences’ trust in you. Keep the audiences’ needs in mind to make sure you use this force in a positive and ethical manner.


Summary of Discussion (3 of 6)

In this section, we discussed the following:

Framing Your Arguments

Balancing Emotional and Logical Appeals

Avoiding Faulty Logic

Reinforcing Your Position

Anticipating Objections

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Persuasive Communication

The next section will cover Common Examples of Persuasive Business Messages.

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Common Examples of Persuasive Business Messages

LO 9.3 Identify the three most common categories of persuasive business messages.

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Throughout your career, you’ll have numerous opportunities to write persuasive messages within your organization. In addition, many of the routine requests you studied in Chapter 7 can become persuasive messages, if you want a non-routine result or believe that you haven’t received fair treatment. Most of these messages can be divided into persuasive requests for action, persuasive presentations of ideas, and persuasive claims and requests for adjustment.


Persuasive Requests for Action

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The bulk of your persuasive business messages will involve requests for action. In some cases, your request will be anticipated, so the direct approach is fine. In others, you’ll need to introduce your intention indirectly, and the AIDA model or a similar approach is ideal for this purpose.


Persuasive Presentation of Ideas

Changing Attitudes or Beliefs About a Topic

Consider a New Idea

Consider a Different Perspective

Reconsider Ways of Thinking

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You may encounter situations in which you simply want to change attitudes or beliefs about a particular topic, without asking the audience to decide or do anything—at least not yet. The goal of your first message might be nothing more than encouraging your audience to consider a new idea, reexamine long-held opinions, or to admit to the possibility of new ways of thinking.


Persuasive Claims and Requests for Adjustment

Review the Facts in a Positive Tone

Outline the Problem and Its Status

Give Reasons for Granting the Claim

Close on a Respectful Note

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Most claims are routine messages and use the direct approach. However, consumers and business professionals sometimes encounter situations in which they believe they haven’t received a fair deal by following normal procedures. These situations require a more persuasive message.

The key ingredients of a good persuasive claim are a complete and specific review of the facts, and a confident and positive tone based on your right to be satisfied with every transaction.

Begin persuasive claims by outlining the problem and continue by reviewing what has been done about it so far, if anything. Be clear, calm, and complete when presenting your case. Be specific about how you would like to see the situation resolved.

Next, give your reader a good reason for granting your claim. Show how the individual or organization is responsible for the problem, and appeal to your reader’s sense of fair play, goodwill, or moral responsibility. Explain how you feel about the problem, but don’t get carried away and don’t make threats. People generally respond most favorably to requests that are calm and reasonable.

Close on a respectful note that reflects how a successful resolution of the situation will repair or maintain a mutually beneficial working relationship.


Summary of Discussion (4 of 6)

In this section, we discussed the following:

Persuasive Requests for Action

Persuasive Presentation of Ideas

Persuasive Requests for Claims and Requests for Adjustment

The next section will cover Developing Marketing and Sales Messages.

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Developing Marketing and Sales Messages

LO 9.4 Describe an effective strategy for developing marketing and sales messages, explain how to modify this approach for social media, and identify steps you can take to avoid ethical lapses in marketing and sales messages.

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Marketing and sales messages use the same techniques as other persuasive messages, with the added emphasis of encouraging someone to participate in a commercial transaction.

Marketing messages usher potential buyers through the purchasing process without asking them to make an immediate decision; that’s when sales messages take over, encouraging potential buyers to make a purchase decision then and there.


Planning Marketing and Sales Messages

Anticipating Audience Needs

Analyzing Competition

Key Selling Points and Benefits

Anticipate Objections

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Successful marketing and sales messages start with an understanding of audience needs. Depending on the product and the market, these needs can range from a few functional considerations to a complicated mix of logical and emotional issues.

Marketing and sales messages are in competition with messages from other companies that are intended for the same audience. Finding a unique message in crowded markets can be challenging.

With insight into audience needs and competitive offerings, the next step is to decide which features and benefits to highlight. Selling points are the most attractive features of an idea or product. Benefits are the particular advantages that users will realize from those features. Selling points focus on what the product does. Benefits focus on what the user experiences or gains.

Marketing and sales messages often encounter objections. As with persuasive business messages, it’s best to identify them up front and try to address as many as you can. Of course, any attempts to minimize perceptions of price or other potential negatives must be done ethically.


Writing Conventional Marketing and Sales Messages

Using the AIDA Model

Getting Attention

Building Interest

Increasing Desire

Motivating Action

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Most marketing and sales messages are prepared according to the AIDA plan, or some variation of it. Here are the key points of using the AIDA:

Advertisers try to get attention by offering an exciting product benefit, a piece of interesting news, an appeal to people’s emotions or sense of financial value, or a unique solution to a common problem. Marketers can also use evocative images, music, animation, or video.

After catching the reader’s or viewer’s attention, your next step is to build interest in the product, company, or idea you are promoting. A common technique is to “pay off” the promise made in the headline by explaining how you can deliver those benefits.

Next, boost the audience’s desire for your product or service by expanding on how it will benefit them. Focus on their practical and emotional needs; then, explain how your product or service will meet those needs. And address their potential objections and doubts with demonstrations, testimonials, and money-back guarantees.

The final step in the AIDA model is persuading the audience to take action, such as placing an order by phone or online. The keys to a successful call to action are making it easy and as risk-free as possible. If the process is confusing or time-consuming, you’ll lose potential customers.


Writing Promotional Messages for Social Media (1 of 2)

Get Involved in Online Conversations

Facilitate Community Building

Listen as Much as You Talk

Initiate and Respond to Conversations

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The AIDA model and similar approaches have been successful with marketing and sales messages for decades, but in the social media landscape, consumers are more apt to look for product information from other consumers, not the companies marketing those products. The following guidelines will help you write effective promotional messages for social media.

Get involved in online conversations. Your emphasis should shift to encouraging and participating in online conversations.

Facilitate community building. Make sure customers and other audiences can connect with your company and each other. Accomplishing this goal can be as simple as activating the commenting feature on a blog, or it may involve having a more elaborate social commerce system.

Listen at least as much as you talk. Listening is essential for online conversations, just as it is for in-person conversations. A variety of tools can help, from free alerts on search engines to sophisticated linguistic monitoring systems.

Initiate and respond to conversations within the community. Make sure you provide the information customers need. Use an objective, conversational style; people in social networks want useful information, not “advertising speak.”


Writing Promotional Messages for Social Media (2 of 2)

Provide Information People Want

Identify and Support Your Champions

Be Authentic, Transparent, and Real

Integrate Conventional Marketing Strategies

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Provide information that people want. Whether it’s industry-insider news, product guides, or brief answers to FAQs, fill the information gap about your company and its products.

Identify and support your champions. In marketing, champions are enthusiastic fans of your company and its products. They help spread your message, defend you against detractors, and help other customers use your products.

Be authentic; be transparent; and be real. Social media audiences respond poorly to fake blogs and superficial attempts to be “social.” Instead, they respond positively to companies that are open and conversational about themselves, their products, and subjects of shared interest.

Integrate conventional marketing and sales strategies at the right time and in the right places. The AIDA approach is still valid for specific communication tasks, such as conventional advertising and the product promotion pages on your website.


Creating Promotional Messages for Mobile Devices

Promotional Messages

Keep Promotional Messages Short and Simple

The Mobile Experience

Keep the Mobile Experience Fast and Straightforward

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Mobile advertising and mobile commerce (aka, m-commerce) are two of the hottest developments in marketing communications. Companies are pursuing mobile marketing because mobile devices now play such a big role in consumer buying behavior.

If you are involved with creating mobile marketing or sales messages, keep two essential points in mind. First, like all mobile messages, promotional messages need to be kept short and simple. Second, the mobile experience needs to be fast and straightforward. Mobile users are often time-constrained, and they will quickly abandon websites that don’t load quickly or are confusing to navigate.


Maintaining High Ethical and Legal Standards

Maintaining High Ethical and Legal Standards

Maintaining the “You Attitude” during All Business Transactions

Understanding Legal Aspects of Promotional Communication

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The word persuasion has negative connotations for some people, especially in a marketing or sales context. However, effective businesspeople view persuasion as a positive force, aligning their own interests with what is best for their audiences, and giving them the freedom to choose. To maintain the highest standards of business ethics, demonstrate the “you attitude” by showing honest concern for the needs and interests of your audience.

As marketing and selling grow increasingly complex, so do the legal ramifications of marketing and sales messages. In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has the authority to impose penalties against advertisers who violate federal standards for truthful advertising. Therefore, all marketers must understand the basic legal aspects of promotional communication.


Maintaining High Ethical and Legal Standards

Be Truthful and Non-Deceptive

Support Your Claims with Evidence

Don’t Use Bait-and-Switch Tactics

Obey Laws When Marketing to Minors

Observe Contractual Obligations

Respect Rights of Individuals

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All marketers need to understand these basic legal aspects of promotional communication:

Marketing and sales messages must be truthful and not deceptive.

Your claims must be supported by evidence.

“Bait and switch” advertising is illegal.


Summary of Discussion (5 of 6)

In this section, we discussed the following:

Planning Marketing and Sales Messages

Writing Conventional Marketing and Sales Messages

Writing Promotional Messages for Social Media

Creating Promotional Messages for Social Media

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Summary of Discussion (6 of 6)

Maintaining High Ethical and Legal Standards

Basic Legal Aspects of Promotional Communication

This concludes our discussion of Chapter 9: Writing Persuasive Messages.

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