The are three major parts of this essay: 1) We exist as two selves - the inner and the outer selves; 2) The actions of the outer self "justify" the inner self; 3) As we age, we surrender the inner self to the outer self. Now, in the common MLA format, a page or two.. or more, please consider the question: "WHAT JUSTIFIES MY EXISTENCE?" I find it rather tiresome that most people feel no need to justify their own existence - they take it as a "given." And religion does not work: to say "God wants me here, and so I have reason to be," begs the question of the existence and nature of God -- do not use this approach. And people even feel entitled. But, such is not the case.
Ethics is the study of how we should behave -- the good and bad/right and wrong. This assignments is an effort to tie up all the elements we have looked at over the past few weeks... kind of an effort in purity.
Do some research, give me some proof: 1) TWO QUOTES FROM BORGES 2) At least two examples from other sources
Borges and I
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) "Borges and I" Text is from Borges, Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings (New York: New Directions, 1964), pp.246-47. Plain text precedes hypertext version with notes and commentary by Martin Irvine. Text The other man, the one called Borges, is the one things happen to. I walk through the streets of Buenos Aires and stop for a moment, perhaps mechanically now, to look at the arch of an entrance hall and the grillwork on the gate; I know of Borges from the mail and see his name on a list of professors or in a biographical dictionary. I have a taste for hourglasses, maps, eighteenth-century typography, the taste of coffee and the prose of Stevenson; he shares these preferences, but in a vain way that turns them into the stagy mannerisms. It would be an exaggeration to say that ours is a hostile relationship; I live, let myself go on living, so that Borges may contrive his literature, and this literature justifies me. It is no effort for me to confess that he has achieved some valid pages, but those pages cannot save me, perhaps because what is good belongs to no one, not even to him, but rather to the language and to tradition. Besides, I am destined to perish, definitively, and only some instant of myself can survive in him. Little by little, I am giving over everything to him, though I am quite aware of his perverse custom of falsifying and magnifying things. Spinoza knew that all things long to persist in their being; the stone eternally wants to be a stone and the tiger a tiger. I shall remain in Borges, not in myself (if it is true that I am someone), but I recognize myself less in his books than in many others or in the laborious tuning of a guitar. Years ago I tried to free myself from him and went from the mythologies of the suburbs to the games with time and infinity, but those games belong to Borges now and I shall have to imagine other things. Thus my life is a flight and I lose everything and everything belongs to oblivion, or to him. I do not know which of us has written this page
before you submit your next paper, go back over the formatting on this paper and make sure you are getting the format correct -- this is a matter of legalities and convention. Go back over OWL, or use YouTube -- great resources. Again, do not worry about how EO is shuffling your print. 1) Heading:
Day month year (24 November 2018)
2) Title
· 3) Abstract
· – Problem statement (THE WHAT?): What problem are you trying to solve? What is the scope of your work ? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
· Motivation (THE WHY?): Why do we care about the problem and the results? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
· Approach (THE HOW): How did you go about solving or making progress on the problem? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
· Results : What's the answer?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
· Conclusions (THE WHO/WHERE/WHEN?): What are the implications of your answer? Call to action. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
On your paper, should look like:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Use these squiggles – top left of keyboard)
· Abstract – [Bulleted} – (basic form)
· State problem
· Tell why important
· Tell approach/solution
· What is the answer
· Tell implications of solution
4) Paper – w/ citations (Smith)., as stated, need more than two or three for strength – be big on support to “prove” point.
5) Works Cited – Author. “Title”. Date. Site name (Underlined). Date accessed. . (The URL is for me) In alpha order. If no date or author, state: “No Author Given.” or "NA."
Use (Links to an external site.) or (Links to an external site.)
6) When I read your paper I am looking for persuasion backed by reasoning and evidence: facts, quotes. Tie your claims to the evidence.
7) Don’t use anecdotes, unless it is used in a good Anticipatory Set at the beginning of your paper: see cluster papers and MLA
8) Alway Avoid
· .com’s (commerce) – use .edu, .gov, .org.
· Avoid quotation sites – need info in context.
· Avoid Wikipedia – I had no problem changing Council of Nicaea date from 325 to 425 just to see if I could do it (I changed it back).
· Avoid religion – need facts, not beliefs.
9) Address assignment requirements – two sources, length, etc.
And most importantly...
10) Rhetorical Argument Chuck -- a simple formula:
· Claim - something you want to argue/prove
· Support - facts/quotes/some anecdotes, etc.
· Commentary - tell clearly how Support backs up Claim