CBC 1 White blood cell (WBC): 9.5%-9.500/mm3 . Count falls between the normal average of 4,800-11.000/mm Neutrophils (NE): 70.4% • Count falls between the normal average of 50-70% Lymphocytes (LY): 21.3% • Count is low compared to the normal average of 25-45% Cause: Infection SX:fatigue, fever, night sweats, swollen lymph nodes, and weight loss Monocytes (MO): . Count falls between the normal average of 3-8% Eosinophils (EO): 1.8% • Count is low compared to the normal average of 2-4% Cause: Intoxication due to alcohol, or Cushing disease from the body making excessive production of steroids like Cortisol SX: Alcohol abuse Basophils (BA): 0.8% • Count falls between the normal average of 0.5-1% Red blood cells (RBC): 4.91%-4.91 million cells/mm3 . Count falls between the female normal average of 43-52 million cells/mm3 • Count falls below the male normal average of 5.2-58% Causes: anemia, iron deficiency SX: fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and fast heartbeat Hemoglobin (HBG): 14.8 g/dL . Count falls between the normal female average of 12-15.5 g/dL and the normal male average of 13.5-17.5g/dL Hematocrit (HCT): 40.6% . Count falls between the normal average of female 37-47% . Count falls slightly below the normal average of male 42-52% Causes: Insufficient supply of healthy RBC (anemia), infection, large number of WBC due to long term illness, or WBC disorder such as Leukemia or Lymphoma SX:dizziness, lightheaded, fatigue, confusion, shortness of breath, or loss of consciousness Platelets (PLT): 185.000 cells/mm3 • Count falls between the normal average of 150,000-500,000 cellisimm3
STANDARD 82-11-2004 13:15:00 UBC Patient Id: Complete Blood Cell Count 2 (CBC 2) Subject values Lab Normal Range (NR) 2.1 KAUL 4.0 12.8 LYM# 1.2 K/UL 1.0 5.2 GRA# 0.8 K L 2.0 8.0 LYM% 49.9% 25.0 50.0 GRAZ 37.2 % 50.0 80.0 RBC 2.25 M/L 4.00 6.20 HGB 6.0 g/dl 11.0 17.0 HCT 16.6 % 35.0 55.0 CBC 2 ni a PLT 72 KUL 150 400
Questions Analyze and compare the following Complete Blood Cell Counts (CBCs). For each value out of range, specify: 1. The name of the condition (diagnosis), and 2. The possible clinical manifestations observed in this hypothetical individual. In other words, what symptoms and signs would you expect to find in a client which blood cell levels are like the ones shown in these CBCs. Correlate the symptoms and signs with the abnormality. 3. In the second CBC: What do you think could cause this abnormality(es)? What is the culprit organ? NOTE: As a reference and to unify the criteria for normality in this class discussion, please use the normal values provided in the PowerPoint presentation and attached below; but remember the normal range value vary from lab to lab depending on the calibration of the machines used. Blood element Normal range WBC (White Blood Cells) 4,800-11,000/mm' NE (neutrophils) 50-70% LY (lymphocytes) MO (monocytes) EO (cosinophils) BA (basophils) RBC (Red Blood Cells) Females: 4.3–5.2 million cells/mm' Males: 5.2-5.8 million cells/mm HBG (hemoglobin) Females: 12 - 15.5g/dl Males: 13.5 - 17.5 g/dl HCT (hematocrit) 25 45% 38% 2-4% 0.5-1% Males: 42-52% Females: 37-47% PLT (platelets) 150,000-500,000 cells/mm