Who was the better inventor, Edison or Tesla, and why?, history assignment help
HIST 125 6382 Technological Transformations
University of Maryland - University College
Question Description
Below are three paragraphs that I need help writing at least 100 word response to. I need at least 100 word response to each separate paragraph. Each paragraph was to answer this following question: "Who was the better inventor, Edison or Tesla, and why?"
1). I would like to think that both Edison and Telsa were great inventors in their own rights. Edison not only invented the light bulb, a resource that has been used in everything since its introduction into society, but also developed an entire electric lightning program. The program included electricity generators, wires to get electricity form the power stations to homes and light fixtures such as, lamps, sockets and switches. It was because of this that spawned his inventions into the Pearl Street in New York City in 1882. The electric utility serviced over 500 customers, including The New York Times. On the other hand, Nikola Tesla, who actually used to work for Edison in 1884, gave society what we have come to cherish as well - the remote control. He also invented wireless transmission, computers, smartphones, laser beams, x-rays and a numerous other contributions.
Tesla's wirelsss transmisson was incorporated into the use of radios, televisions and other electronics. Like most inventors, Tesla was willing to do anything to prove why his inventions worked. He was so dedicated to his work that in the middle of a battle between he and his former mentor, Edison over alternating current and direct current, Tesla subjected himself to 250,000-volt shocks in the name of "safety." With that alone, he won the battle. I would say that on that by himself he was the best inventer between he and Edison. However, if it wasnt' for the mentorship he gained from Edison, Tesla wouldn't have had the desire to seek more out the eletric revolution. Both Edison and Tesla proved themselves worthy of the title of better inventor. Both of their inventions wouldn't survive without the other.