I’m studying for my Sociology class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
At least 150-200 words for each response, 1 reference each, and please separate each response
Explanation of the role of family preservation in child welfare.
"Family preservations begin, as do most child welfare interventions, with a child being referred to an agency as being in danger of serious harm. A social worker investigates the complaint and, if the complaint is confirmed, decides whether the family is a good candidate for family preservation services. For the family to be considered an appropriate case for family preservation services, the child must be at risk of placement, but the social worker must be convinced that the child can remain safely in his or her own home if intensive services are needed."(Popple & Leighninger, 2015, p.214)
Then explain whether research supports the assumption that foster care is harmful for children.
Not only does research support that foster care can be harmful for children and create more adverse childhood experiences it also show the lack of support and adoption for kids as they age and more than 400,000 kids age out of foster care each year and are left in worse conditions than those who are raised with family. " In 2015, the mean age of children in foster care waiting to be adopted was 7.6 years, and 43% of these children were age 8 and older." (Ahmann & Dokken, 2017, p. 43) This research shows how detrimental foster care is for children and especially those that age out and are more prone to incarceration, homelessness and violence than other kids their age.
Identify the gaps in your State foster care system than contribute to the idea that foster care is harmful to children,
Again, aging out of foster care continues to be a giant gap, even in Montana, and continues to contribute to the growing concern for children in foster care and its overall affects on their health and well-being. Montana does not have such a large population and so the population of children in foster care may be considerably less than other states, but the problem still remains, and kids who age out of the system go on to lead hardened lives compared to those who were raised around family and with support.