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Why you should donate blood speech outline

08/10/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

Persuasive Speech Outline

The Persuasive Speech - uses Monroe's Motivated Sequence -
Your three main points will be -
1. The Need that needs to be resolved, fixed, renewed, changed, etc.
2. The Plan to solve the problem
3. The Benefits from following the Plan
Your introduction and Conclusion remain the same.
Make sure you have your 4 sources.
PS. Your topic can't be why we should donate blood!

Outline - Give the gift of Life – Donate Blood

Attention Getter – Did you know that about 1 in 7 hospital patients needs blood and three gallons of blood is used every minute in the United States.

Thesis Statement – With the disasters, accidents and diseases all around us the need for blood donations is skyrocketing. Today I will urge you to donate blood.

Preview of Main Points – We’ll first look at the reasons why you need to donate blood, a plan that is easy to follow and finally the benefits you and others will receive for giving the gift of life.

Transition – First, why is there a need for blood donations?

Main Point 1 – Need

The American Red Cross states on their website that every two seconds someone in the U.S Needs blood and only 5% of the eligible US population donates in a given year.

According to the Carterbloodcare.org website, in North Texas we need 1100 donors a day to donate blood.

Why is it so crucial that we donate blood?

“Blood is needed for emergencies and for people who have cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, anemia and other illnesses. Some people need regular blood transfusions to live,” as taken from the givelife2.org website.

In a feature titled “US blood shortage puts safety measures in question” from Reuters on September 10, 2007 explains, In Washington's Georgetown University Hospital, officials came close to canceling nonemergency operations several times this summer.

The hospital counts on having at least 130 units of this blood on hand. But "there have been times in the past few days where we've had only eight units," said Dr. Gerald Sandler, the director of transfusion medicine.

"This is the worst blood shortage that I have experienced since I began directing transfusion services in 1968," Sandler said, citing overseas travel restrictions as a major factor.

In recent years, a quarter of American hospitals have been forced to postpone or even cancel nonemergency operations -- including heart bypass procedures and hip replacements -- due to lack of blood, said Dr. Harvey Klein, chief of transfusion medicine at the National Institutes of Health.

Main Point 2 - PLAN –

Transition - Now that you know why you need to donate blood, let me explain to you where your blood goes and how it can help save lives.

Did you know that a full 10% of the North, Central and East Texas blood supply comes from High School students, as stated on Gr8students.org So, let me explain to you how easy it is to get started saving lives. According to the American Red Cross “Healthy adults who are at least 17 years old, and at least 110 pounds may donate about a pint of blood – the most common form of donation – every 56 days, or every two months.”

There are four steps to donating blood: medical history, quick physical, donation and snacks. The actual blood donation usually takes less than ten minutes. The entire process from the time you sign in to the time you leave takes about an hour.

Your blood can help save lives six times a year. Many of you are interested in volunteering; saving the environment and helping others here is the perfect way.

Transition - So how does it pay back –

C – Benefits

You’ve heard that only a fraction of those who can donate do – I’ve explained the need and a simple plan for your donate, now let me illustrate the benefits you will receive.

First help friends and family in surgeries and at accidents because you can store your blood for future surgeries and hospital visits. You will be helping others live.

A pint is a pound, you lose a pound every time you donate blood. So if you’re looking to lose weight here a great way. It's about an hour of your time. It's About Life. Think how many lives you can save.

Jeffrey Gordan, a current donor interviewed on May 26, 2012 felt a social responsibility to donate and said “you feel good you are helping someone you don’t know and you believe you would want the same thing done for you.” He also said he loves the free cookies.

Here’s a great benefit, If you began donating blood at age 17 and donated every 56 days until you reached 76, you would have donated 48 gallons of blood, potentially helping save more than 1,000 lives!

Many of you probably didn’t realize that giving blood could also save your life. From an article posted on CNN.com on April 26, 2000, Researcher’s from the University of Florida suggest new evidence that giving blood can has health benefits. He explains it is because when you give blood you remove iron and iron increases heart disease contributes to cholesterol and can damage arteries.

Conclusion –

Review of main points - We have seen the reasons why we need to donate blood, provided a plan to donate blood and how the blood helps others and how it can help ourselves.

Call to Action - "At any given time, we only have a three-day supply of blood in this country. It's vitally important that people give," says Anne Eder, MD, executive medical officer of the American Red Cross.

Summary - As college students you have stated you want to help others and be socially responsible. Become a proud wearer of the I donate blood sticker. The next blood drive on campus will be next week in the main lobby area from 10 am 5 pm. Recruit your friends and classmates – only you can save a life.

Application to audience – who knows it may even be a loved ones life. Make a difference – donate blood – and give the Ultimate gift. The gift of life.


www.cnn.com - University of Florida Research Study






Interview with Jeffrey Gordon (blood donor), May 2012

“US blood shortage puts safety measures in question” Reuters, September 10, 2007


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