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Wade Ferry
7:21 AM
Whole system discovery approach reminds me of a sales pitch to hire a full-time consultant that can be on staff to help bring the right people together to solve problems in an organization. The whole system discovery approach highlights the need for a leader. A leader can be the glue that brings in representatives from all parts of the organization (Block, 2011). However, Block (2011) refers to the third-party approach, “ … objectivity and a willingness to confront difficult issues that people inside the system may be unable or unwilling to face.” (p. 177).
Outsider credibility is something my Organizational Leader (Wing Commander [Wg/CC]) considered he still had after spending over a year in the Organization. He recently called together a group of people for a high-interaction approach. He called the meeting an ‘off-site’ where leaders within subordinate organizations became captive for four days and three nights. The Wg/CC also looked for young Officers to join the ‘off-site’, and is the source of my second hand information regarding the discussions that took place. The Wg/CC did not have outsider credibility nor was there a separation of status, power, title, and function as Block (2011) explains as conditions that should be present to all cross social and organizational barriers.
With a better understanding of the whole system discovery approach, I would make the recommendation to the Wg/CC to still hold ‘off-sites’ but not participate. Initially he could provide a enthusiastic speech defining purpose but allow subordinate commanders to “ …name their own problems and find ways to address them.” (Block, 2011, p. 180). Possibly allow the Organization’s Chaplain to act as the outsider or consultant to help guide discussions.
Block, P. (2011). Flawless consulting: A guide to getting your expertise used (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.