Consider the responsibilities you would likely be given if you are currently working with the military, plan to work with the military, or if you are simply interested in learning more about military psychology. A civilian forensic psychology professional may develop and evaluate psychological services, conduct research, or provide assessment and treatment for military clients. An active duty military psychology professional may have any of these responsibilities in addition to responding to other needs and orders of the military. Review the two topics below and pick the one that either is most relevant for you or is of interest to you.
Choose one of the topics below and read the instructions that follow:
Choice 1: Ethics in Multiple Relationships
Multiple relationships and ethical issues for military forensic psychology professionals.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review your Learning Resources for this week, particularly the article “Multiple-Role Dilemmas for Military Mental Health Care Providers.”
- Review the various ethical guidelines first presented in Weeks 2 and 3.
By Day 3
Post by Day 3 a response to the following:
- Explain specific ethical guidelines that are at risk of being violated during situations in which the forensic psychology professional might be involved in multiple relationships.
- Identify possible strategies to resolve these ethical dilemmas.
Choice 2: Ethics in Interrogation
The role of military forensic psychology professionals in their compliance with ethical guidelines during interrogation and the APA’s brief about findings from the Hoffman report that investigated ethical interrogation issues
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review your Learning Resources for this week, particularly the APA brief about the Hoffman report and the role of psychologists during interrogation.
- Review the various ethical guidelines first presented in Weeks 2 and 3.
Week 2&3 guideline links
week 10 articles