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BELL HOOKS What is it that makes work sweet? According to bell hooks, most black women in the United States do not like their work, yet they grow up knowing that they will be workers. Black women lack choice, sense they have skills superior to the jobs available, and are denied satisfaction—all of which create job-related stress. In response, hooks advocates the concept of "right livelihood" based on the teachings of Buddha. She espouses "work consciously cho- sen, done with full awareness and care, and leading to enlightenment." What do these concepts mean to you? Why do you think they are particularly relevant to black women?
HOOKS (Gloria Watkins's pen name) is Distinguished Professor of English at City College in New York. As a critic and
author, she has devoted much of her work to feminist and African American studies, but she also writes on topics of
class, education, and the media. Her best-known scholarly books include Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and
Feminism and Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. She is also the author of the children's book Happy
to be Nappy.
Work Makes Life Sweet (1993) BY BELL HOOKS
"•V1 * •york makes life sweet!" I often heard this phrase growing up, mainly from \/\l old black folks who did not have jobs in the traditional sense of the word. V V They were usually self-employed, living off the land, selling fishing worms,
picking up an odd job here and there. They were people who had a passion for work. They took pride in a job done well. My Aunt Margaret took in ironing. Folks brought her clothes from miles around because she was such an expert. That was in the days when using starch was common and she knew how to do an excellent job. Watching her iron with skill and grace was like watching a ballerina dance. Like all the other black girls raised in the fifties that I knew, it was clear to me that I would be a working woman. Even though our mother stayed home, raising her seven children, we saw her constantly at work, washing, ironing, cleaning, and cooking (she is an incredible cook). And she never allowed her six girls to imagine we would not be working women. No, she let us know that we would work and be proud to work.
The vast majority of black women in the United States know in girlhood that we will be workers. Despite sexist and racist stereotypes about black women living off welfare, most black women who receive welfare have been in the workforce. In Hard Times Cotton Mill Girls, one can read about black women who went to work in the cotton mills, usually leaving farm labor or domestic service. Katie Geneva Cannon re- members: "It was always assumed that we would work. Work was a given in life, almost like breathing and sleeping. I'm always surprised when I hear people talking about somebody taking care of them, because we always knew that we were going to work." Like older generations of southern black women, we were taught not only that we would be workers, but that there was no "shame" in doing any honest job. The black women around us who worked as maids, who stripped tobacco when it was the sea- son, were accorded dignity and respect. We learned in our black churches and in our schools that it "was not what you did, but how you did it" that mattered.
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A philosophy of work that emphasizes commitment to any task was useful to black people living in a racist society that for so many years made only certain jobs (usually service work or other labor deemed "undesirable") available to us. Just as many Buddhist traditions teach that any task becomes sacred when we do it mindfully and with care, southern black work traditions taught us the importance of working with integrity irrespective of the task. Yet these attitudes towards work did not blind anyone to the reality that racism made it difficult to work for white people. It took "gumption" to work with integrity in settings where white folks were disrespectful and downright hateful. And it was obvious to me as a child that the black people who were saying "work makes life sweet" were the folks who did not work for whites, who did what they wanted to do. For example, those who sold fishing worms were usually folks who loved to fish. Clearly there was a meaningful connection between positive think- ing about work and those who did the work that they had chosen.
Most of us did not enter the workforce thinking of work in terms of finding a "calling" or a vocation. Instead, we thought of work as a way to make money. Many of us started our work lives early and we worked to acquire money to buy necessities. Some of us worked to buy school books or needed or desired clothing. Despite the emphasis on "right livelihood" that was present in our life growing up, my sisters and I were more inclined to think of work in relation to doing what you needed to do to get money to buy what you wanted. In general, we have had unsatisfying work lives. Ironically, Mama entered the paid workforce very late, after we were all raised, work- ing for the school system and at times in domestic service, yet there are ways in which she has found work outside the home more rewarding than any of her children. The black women I talked with about work tended to see jobs primarily as a means to an end, as a way to make money to provide for material needs. Since so many working black women often have dependents, whether children or other relatives, they enter the workforce with the realistic conviction that they need to make money for survival purposes. This attitude coupled with the reality of a job market that remains deeply shaped by racism and sexism means that as black women we often end up working jobs that we do not like. Many of us feel that we do not have a lot of options. Of the women I interviewed, the ones who saw themselves as having options tended to have the highest levels of education. Yet nearly all the black women I spoke with agreed that they would always choose to work, even if they did not need to. It was only a very few young black females, teenagers and folks in their early twenties, who talked with me about fantasy lives where they would be taken care of by someone else.
Speaking with young black women who rely on welfare benefits to survive eco- nomically, I found that overall they wanted to work. However, they are acutely aware of the difference between a job and a fulfilling vocation. Most of them felt that it would not be a sign of progress for them to "get off welfare" and work low-paying jobs, in situations that could be stressful or dehumanizing. Individuals receiving wel- fare who are trying to develop skills, to attend school or college, often find that they are treated with much greater hostility by social-service workers than if they were just sitting at home watching television. One woman seeking assistance was told by an angry white woman worker, "welfare is not going to pay for you to get your B.A." This young woman had been making many personal sacrifices to try and develop skills and educational resources that would enable her to be gainfully employed and she was
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constantly disappointed by the level of resentment toward her whenever she needed to deal with social services.
Through the years, in my own working life, I have noticed that many black women do not like or enjoy their work. The vast majority of women I talked to ... agreed that they were not satisfied with their working lives even though they see them- selves as performing well on the job. That is why I talk so much about work-related stress in [Remembered Rapture}. It is practically impossible to maintain a spirit of emotional well-being if one is daily doing work that is unsatisfying, that causes intense stress, and that gives little satisfaction. Again and again, I found that many black women I interviewed had far superior skills than the jobs they were performing called for but were held back because of their "lack of education," or in some cases, "neces- sary experience." This routinely prevented them from moving upward. While they performed their jobs well, they felt added tension generated in the work environment by supervisors who often saw them as "too uppity" or by their own struggle to main- tain interest in their assigned tasks. One white woman administrator shared that the clearly overly skilled black woman who works as an administrative assistant in her of- fice was resented by white male "bosses" who felt that she did not have the proper atti- tude of a "subordinate." When I spoke to this woman she acknowledged not liking her job, stating that her lack of education and the urgent need to raise children and send them to college had prevented her from working towards a chosen career. She holds to the dream that she will return to school and someday gain the necessary education that will give her access to the career she desires and deserves. Work is so often a source
of pain and frustration. Learning how to think about work and our job choices from the standpoint of
"right livelihood" enhances black female well-being. Our self-recovery is fundamen- tally linked to experiencing that quality of "work that makes life sweet." In one of my favorite self-help books, Marsha Sinetar's Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow, the author defines right livelihood as a concept initially coming from the teachings of Buddha which emphasized "work consciously chosen, done with full awareness and care, and leading to enlightenment." This is an attitude toward work that our society does not promote, and it especially does not encourage black females to think of work in this way. As Sinetar notes:
Right Livelihood, in both its ancient and its contemporary sense, embodies self-expression, commitment, mindfulness, and conscious choice. Finding and doing work of this sort is predicated upon high self-esteem and self-trust, since only those who like themselves, who subjectively feel they are trustwor- thy and deserving dare to choose on behalf of what is right and true for them. When the powerful quality of conscious choice is present in our work, we can be enormously productive. When we consciously choose to do work we enjoy, not only can we get things done, we can get them done well and be intrinsi- cally rewarded for our effort.
Black women need to learn about "right livelihood." Even though I had been raised in a world where elderly black people had this wisdom, I was more socialized by the get- ahead generation that felt how much money you were making was more important than what you did to make that money. We have difficult choices ahead.