The Biblical Worldview Assignment is course-embedded into every degree program in Liberty University’s School of Education (SOE). Its purpose is to carry out LU’s mission to provide an education with a solid Christian foundation and to ensure that every SOE program completer understands the implications of a biblical worldview for the field of education. While there are other assignments that require candidates to write a personal philosophy of education, that is not necessarily the intent of this particular assignment. The goal of this activity is for candidates to accomplish the following:
· Convey an understanding of what is meant by a biblical worldview.
· Support and illustrate this understanding by citing the Bible and other literature on the topic of biblical worldview.
· Apply principles of a biblical worldview to educational practice.
· Articulate key components of a Christian philosophy of education, citing from the Bible and other literature on the topic of Christian philosophy of education.
Because the SOE embeds this assignment into every degree program—i.e., bachelor, master, education specialist (Ed.S.), and doctorate (Ed.D)—it is likely that candidates who earn multiple degrees from LU’s SOE will be required to complete the assignment multiple times. Especially in the Ed.S. and Ed.D. degrees, the Biblical Worldview Assignment may be required for more than one course. Candidates who are required to complete the assignment more than once may resubmit the initial assignment but are encouraged to revise as needed. For example, expectations for undergraduate and graduate writing levels are different; therefore, the composition of the paper may need to be strengthened with the repeated submission. Also, check the assignment directions and rubric to ensure that you are meeting the present course’s specific requirements.
Mission of Liberty University: This assignment advances LU’s mission by promoting “the synthesis of academic knowledge and Christian worldview in order that there might be a maturing of spiritual, intellectual, social and physical value-driven behavior” and by encouraging “a commitment to the Christian life, one of personal integrity, sensitivity to the needs of others, social responsibility and active communication of the Christian faith, and, as it is lived out, a life that leads people to Jesus Christ as the Lord of the universe and their own personal Savior.” Click on these links to learn more about LU’s Mission Statement and LU’s Doctrinal Statement .
Mission of LU’s School of Education: This assignment advances the School of Education’s mission, which is “to develop competent professionals with a biblical worldview for Christian, public, and private schools.” Click on this link to learn more about the SOE Conceptual Framework .
Write a 4-page paper in current APA format that conveys your understanding of what is meant by a biblical worldview and a Christian philosophy of education. Also, discuss the implications of these principles in their application to educational practice. Page length requirement begins with the introductory paragraph and ends with the conclusion; it includes neither the title page nor the reference page. An abstract is not required. In addition to the Bible, cite a minimum of four references that represent the body of literature supporting and explaining biblical worldview and Christian philosophy of education. No more than 10% of the paper is to include direct quotes; therefore, you should do much more summarizing and paraphrasing than quoting. Citations are required both for direct quotes and for summarized ideas drawn from references. The format of the paper is to include the sections below with headings that follow current APA format. Click on this link to view an APA Tips document with helpful hints for writing success.
· Title Page
· Introduction
Present a strong, clear thesis statement. The focus of this paragraph is to introduce the reader to the thesis statement. The remainder of the paper should support and illustrate the main point(s) of the thesis statement.