Read the Course Case Study and analyze the behavior of the counselor, as a professional, which you consider unethical or unprofessional. Write a brief summary of the unbecoming behavior. Substantiate the summary with reasons for your analysis. Then, examine the influence of your own personal values as it relates to the issues presented in the case. Write a brief summary of how your own personal values could influence you if you were the counselor in the case study. Next, focusing specifically on the issue of imposing values on clients, identify how the counselor may have been in violation of the ACA Code of Ethics. Give the number and definition of specific violations and compare these violations to the APA ethical standards. Remember – only list those which are related to the imposition of the counselor’s value system onto the client. Finally, in relation to these specific violations, describe the similarities or differences in the ACA and APA ethical code. Your paper should be at least 1 page, not counting the title page and the reference page.