This assignment assesses your ability to read and analyze material, summarize information using appropriate and correct English, use the direct approach to write effective memos, and demonstrate correct APA documentation. Please follow the submission requirements and read the instructions for Part 1 & Part 2 carefully.
Submission Requirements:
- Upload an electronic copy through eCentennial / Assessments / Assignment c before the deadline; the file will automatically be scanned by Turnitin. A 10%-per-day late penalty will apply.
- Include a title page that states your name, course code & section, and your instructor’s name.
- Include a correctly formatted References list.
Scenario & Instructions:
After graduating from your program at Centennial, you are asked by your business partner, Ingrid Smith, to summarize some research on a particular issue of interest to your business, in time for the next board meeting.
1. Choose one of the articles from Writing Assignment #1:
a) “Food Waste Food Waste Sustainability” by Gord Stewart
Click on this link to access the article.
b) It’s tempting to leave the city for good during the pandemic. But there’s an opportunity here" by Marcus Gee
Click on this link to access the article.
c) “Will the 4-Day Work Week Take Hold in Europe?” by Ben Laker and Thomas Roulet
Click on this link to access the article.
2. Summarize your chosen reading in an information memo. (The rubric is on the next page.)
3. Your memo should be approximately 1/4 to 1/3 the length of the original article and should be organized using the direct approach.