Psychology of Social Behavior course is an introduction to the social psychology perspective which involves the scientific study of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals as they influence and are influenced by other people, groups, and the social environment. In this writing intensive course, students will study social psychology topics utilizing the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition writing style.
Each writing assignment paper is expected to address one major concept of study within the subfield of social psychology as chosen by you, the student. You may write about any topic that involves self, others, or self and others. Consider types of behavior, interactions, persuasion, bias, love, prejudice, stereotyping, conformity and so forth for potential topics.
A top-quality paper will demonstrate breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate to college-level students. The paper must follow APA Publication Manual (7th ed., first printing) guidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors.
The length of this paper is determined by your thoroughness to detail, analysis of information presented in the peer-reviewed journal articles used to compose this paper, and critical thinking skills demonstrated through thoughtful application to the assigned topic. Please do not exceed 4 pages of body (this number excludes Title and References pages). *If your Body of Text section is less than two (2) full pages, it is too short!
APA Publication Manual - Style & Format (7th edition) Resources
Some TIPS to help you get started:
Minimum Writing Assignment Requirements:
- APA Publication Manual - Style & Format, 7th edition using the Professional version format minus affiliations and author’s note
- Times New Roman, 12-point font
- Black ink
- Double-spaced (0 before and 0 after spacing)
- ALL INFORMATION EXPRESSED IN THIS ASSIGNMENT REQUIRES PARAPHRASING and IN-TEXT CITATIONS; NO quotations allowed. This means EACH sentence expressing information gained, learned, or reviewed must have an in-text citation (singular or multi depending on where the information was derived).
Structure of Paper
- Title Page (professional version minus affiliations)
- Body of Text Section composed from:
- Three (3) scholarly/ peer-reviewed journal articles (minimum)
- solely from SFC Library Database system ( (Links to an external site.))
- within January 2015 – Present month 2020
- have full pdf document
- Levels of Heading (minimally Level 1 and Level2)
- Conclusion (Level 1 Heading) wrapping up paper
- References Page with Hanging Indent full-text references in APA format
This paper must provide an overview of a main concept relevant to the field of social psychology, identify the population targeted toward this topic, features of this topic, and how this concept is seen/ used in society today (implications and consequences).
You may present this material through an information perspective, cultural perspective, compare/contrast, timeline review, and/or using current events (as an example) supported by peer-reviewed journal articles. APA writing is not personal, it is factual and scientifically supported information presented in written form, i.e. this assignment.