Assignments View Feedback
Dear NOMITHA, Thanks for submi!ng the assignment 1. You may find the feedback of the assignment as below and I hope you find it useful for the next assignment. 1. Analy"cal results No calcula"on was presented. 2. Selec"on of analy"cal techniques and evalua"on of the methodology for improving marke"ng decision-making In this sec"on you could explain what market share is and why it is useful for analysis. Don’t forget that methodology should not be wri#en as “what will be done” but rather what methodology is used. You could also clarify that what market share decomposi"on is and what the components are. 3. Interpreta"on of analysis output from a marke"ng perspec"ve This sec"on is about interpre"ng the results and not just simply repor"ng the numbers. Interpreta"on means explaining what each number means and how results compare between companies. You supposed to recognize that JB Hi-Fi is not performing well in both SOW and penetra"on rate. You could also men"on that JB has low percep"on of assortment as well as low brand recall based on the data analyses. You could also men"on that JB has low brand recall based on the data analyses which shows low awareness about JB in the market. 4. Develop management recommenda"ons In this part, you could iden"fy that the problem are with SOW and
22/9/20, 4:33 pmFeedback for Assignment 1 - MIS784 - Marketing Analytics - CloudDeakin
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Rubric Name: T2 2020 MIS784 - Assignment 1
penetra"on rate, you could men"on that evalua"on of assortment is very low also the brand recall for JB is low; you could clearly provide link with SOW and low assortment as well as the link between brand recall (awareness) and penetra"on; you could recommend increase assortment to increase SOW and adver"sing to increase awareness which ul"mately increases the penetra"on rate. 5. Quality of wri"ng, Report forma!ng & Table & Figures to support conclusions That could be be#er to use some meaningful tables and figures and proper figures to visualize data. For instance market share is be#er to present as a pie chart. You didnt follow the report structure. Good luck with the next assignment, MIS784 team
Criteria Unsa"sfactory Sa"sfactory Good
Analy"cal results
(Marks: 3) GLO1
and GLO 3
independently and
skilfully uses
appropriate data
analysis techniques,
demonstra"ng some
exper"se and
specialised skills.
independently and
skilfully uses
appropriate data
analysis techniques,
demonstra"ng good
exper"se and
specialised skills
Proposes an
acceptable crea"ve
solu"ons to exis"ng
and/or new
situa"ons in
prac"ce and/or
further learning that
comprehension of a
complex problem
Proposes a good
crea"ve solu"on to
exis"ng and/or new
situa"ons in
prac"ce and/or
further learning that
comprehension of a
complex problem
and reflects expert
judgement of the
No analysis is
presented or
techniques have been
used to analyse the
data with many errors