School of Science and Technology SCIN130 Introduction to Biology with Lab 4 Credit Hours 8 Week Course Prerequisite(s): None
Table of Contents
Instructor Information
Evaluation Procedures
Course Description
Grading Scale
Course Scope
Course Outline
Course Objectives
Course Delivery Method
Academic Services
Course Materials
Selected Bibliography
Course Description (Catalog)
SCIN130 Introduction to Biology w/ Lab (4 Credits) This course introduces students to the biological systems within their associated environments. The course furnishes an understanding of biological principles and the properties of life. Topics covered in this course include the structure and function of plants and animals, cell biology principles, genetics, reproduction, development and growth, biological diversity, principles of evolution, and interactions among organisms and with their environment. Online laboratory experiences are incorporated which are designed to correspond to, complement, and reinforce the concepts presented in the assigned reading material. The lab involves study through interactive simulations, videos, and animations which will be provided to the student in the form of exercises provided throughout the semester.
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Course Scope
This course is an introduction to the biological systems within their associated environments. It includes a basic introduction to biological systems, the interaction of these systems, and the structure and function of cells and animal organ systems. Because it is a survey course of a broad subject, it will out of necessity cover each topic with a broad brush. Specific topics will include basic principles in the study of life, cells and how they transform energy, DNA and cell reproduction, biological diversity and its evolution, anatomy and physiology of plants, anatomy and physiology of the various animal organ systems, ecology, and the biosphere. In addition to utilizing the assigned biology electronic text, this course is combined to include a virtual laboratory component which uses simulated laboratories to provide the student with a deeper and practical understanding of the basic principles of biology. Unlike an actual laboratory class, with beakers and test tubes, you are able to repeat labs as often as you like, perform experiments without harming live animals, and conduct experiments that may be difficult to perform in an actual lab environment due to time, cost, or location. This course promises to give you a much greater understanding of the complexities that are the study of life.
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Course Objectives
The successful student will fulfill the following learning objectives:
CO-1 Describe the approaches used and the basic tenets of the science of biology.
CO-2 Identify the principles of evolution.
CO-3 Describe the structure and division of living cells.
CO-4 Explain DNA biology and how it influences cancer and other diseases.
CO-5 Compare and contrast the characteristics of viruses, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals.
CO-6 Describe the concepts of ecology, population, community and ecosystems.
CO-7 Describe the human impact on the earth.
CO-8 Compare and contrast the basic functions, major components and the cell types found within human organ systems.
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Course Delivery Method
This science course delivered via distance learning will enable students to complete academic work in a flexible manner, completely online. Course materials and access to an online collaborative learning environment will be made available to each student. Online assignments are due by Sunday evening of the week as noted and include Forum questions (accomplished in groups through a threaded forum), quizzes, and individual assignments submitted for review by the Faculty Member. Assigned faculty will support the students throughout this course.
The nature of an online course requires a significant amount of independent work. The student will be provided with structure, resources, guidance, and instructor experience for learning the course material. The student, however, is responsible for managing time, completing the readings, completing assignments on time, and making inquiries as needed to complete the course effectively. This course requires dedication and diligence on the part of the student.
It is important for the student to check his/her messages and posted “Announcements” area on at least a weekly basis. Assigned readings, Internet-work, homework assignments, and quizzes will be posted inside the electronic classroom under the “Lessons” link and are also listed in detail in the course syllabus. All assignments will have due dates of a week or more, therefore, no extensions or last-minute exceptions are anticipated. The student is expected to complete all work on time. For the purposes of this course, a “week” is defined as the time period between Monday and Sunday, unless otherwise notified by your professor. The first week begins on the first day of the course and ends on 11:55 PM Eastern Time of the first Sunday following the first day of the course. In addition, since this is a distance learning course and students and professors are located within many different time zones, and for the purpose of keeping everyone consistent, all times listed inside the classroom (including deadlines on assignments and quizzes) are referenced in the Eastern Time Zone. Students are encouraged to carefully check due dates and times on assignments/quizzes so as not to miss a submission.
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Course Materials
Required Texts
Assigned Textbook:
Mader, Sylvia S. (2015). Essentials of Biology, 4th ed. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies. ISBN 978-0-07-802422-1
The VitalSource e-book is provided via the APUS Bookstore. Please visit for more information.
Assigned Lab Material:
McGraw-Hill Learnsmart Laboratory Simulations found inside the APUS classroom
Required Software
· Microsoft Office (MS Word)
*If you do not have Microsoft Office, you may use any office suite that is capable of reading Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. A free, open-source alternative to Microsoft Office may be downloaded from
· Adobe Acrobat Reader
* A free download is available from
Required Technology
See the Technology Requirements chart, found under the Student Experience navigation tab, on the APUS website, which outlines the minimum technical requirements for the hardware and software needed to access your course work. Also included in the chart are recommended requirements, which if followed, will make your online learning experience more fulfilling.
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Evaluation Procedures
The grading will be based on the following:
· Eight Forum Assignments
· Five Laboratory Assessments
· Four Online Quizzes
· Eight Formative Assessments
· Five Part Course Project
Detailed directions on each of these assessments are provided in the classroom.
Evaluation Criteria:
The final grade in this course will be based on total points earned. Grades will be based on the following composite scores:
Points Possible
% of Final Grade
Forum Assignments (8)
400 (50 points each)
Quizzes (4)
800 (200 points each)
Laboratories (5)
250 (50 points each)
Homework (18)
180 (10 points each)
Course Project
Assignment 1: Plagiarism
Assignment 2: Outline
Assignment 3: Abstract
Assignment 4: Profile
Assignment 5: Presentation
(each of these are graded on a 100 point scale)
2000 total points possible
LATE POLICY: Quizzes cannot be made up without advance permission from the professor. If there is a technical problem on the day the quiz is due the quiz may be reset at the discretion of the instructor, but it must be completed within 24 hours of the due date.
Assignments 1 – 5 will be accepted up until seven days late with a five percent deduction for each day the assignment is tardy.
Formative Assessments, Laboratories and Forum posts are not accepted late without express permission of the instructor.
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Grading Scale
Please see the student handbook to reference the University’s grading scale. The grade scale can also be directly accessed inside the APUS classrooms under the “Syllabus” link on the menu bar to the left.
Table of Contents
Course Outline
8 Week Course
Learning Objective(s)
Reading(s) and Lab(s)
Student Introductions
CO-1, CO-2
Course Project Guide
Mader Text:
Chapter 1
Chapter 14
Lab 1
Lab 1: The Scientific Method
Week 1 Forum
Homework: Chapters 1, 14
Mader Text:
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Assignment 1—Plagiarism, Writing Tutorial and Academic Honor Pledge
Week 2 Forum
Homework: Chapters 15, 16
Quiz 1:
Chapters 1, 14, 15, 16
Mader Text:
Chapter 4
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Lab 2
Assignment 2—Outline of the Paper
Lab 2: Microscopes
Week 3 Forum
Homework: Chapters 4, 8, 9
CO-3, CO-4
Mader Text:
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Lab 3
Assignment 3—Abstract Draft
Lab 3: Cell Anatomy
Week 4 Forum
Homework: Chapters 10, 11
Quiz 2:
Chapters 4, 8, 9, 10, 11
CO-4, CO-5
Mader Text:
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 17
Lab 4
Lab 4: DNA Biotechnology
Week 5 Forum
Homework: Chapters 12, 13, 17
Mader Text:
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Assignment 4—Organism Profile
Week 6 Forum
Homework: Chapters 18, 19
Quiz 3:
Chapters 12, 13, 17, 18, 19
CO-3, CO-8, CO-6
Mader Text:
Chapter 22
Chapter 30
Lab 5
Assignment 5—Multimedia Presentation
Lab 5: Mendelian Genetics
Week 7 Forum
Homework: Chapters 22, 30,
CO-6, CO-7
Mader Text:
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Week 8 Forum
Homework: Chapters 31, 32
Quiz 4:
Chapters 22, 30, 31, 32
Social Media Extra Credit
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Please see the Student Handbook to reference all University policies. In addition to other important policies, the Student Handbook will cover the:
Drop/Withdrawal Policy
Plagiarism Policy
Extension Process and Policy
Disability Accommodations
All written submissions should be submitted in a font and page set-up that is readable and neat. It is recommended that students try to adhere to a consistent format, which is described below.
1. Typewritten in double-spaced format with a readable style and font and submitted inside the electronic classroom (unless classroom access is not possible and other arrangements have been approved by the professor).
1. Arial 12-point font or Times New Roman styles.
1. Page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side = 1 inch, with reasonable accommodation being made for special situations and online submission variances.
Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow APA guidelines. This course will require students to use the citation and reference style established by the American Psychological Association (APA), in which case students should follow the guidelines set forth in Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). (2009). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
All instances of plagiarism will be reported to the Registrar, and an appeals process lies therein. Your instructor will assign a zero for the assignment and may also fail you from the course upon repeated or egregious cases. Please see the “Academic Honesty and Honor Pledge” section of Lesson 1 inside the APUS classroom for more information.
Online universities promote the advance of knowledge through positive and constructive debate--both inside and outside the classroom. Discussions on the Internet, however, can occasionally degenerate into needless insults and “flaming.” Such activity and the loss of good manners are not acceptable in a university setting--basic academic rules of good behavior and proper “Netiquette” must persist. Remember that you are in a place for the fun and excitement of learning that does not include descent to personal attacks, or student attempts to stifle the discussion of others.
1. Technology Limitations: While you should feel free to explore the full-range of creative composition in your formal papers, keep e-mail layouts simple. The Sakai classroom may not fully support MIME or HTML encoded messages, which means that bold face, italics, underlining, and a variety of color-coding or other visual effects will not translate in your e-mail messages.
1. Humor Note: Despite the best of intentions, jokes and--especially--satire can easily get lost or taken seriously. If you feel the need for humor, you may wish to add “emoticons” to help alert your readers: ;-), : ),
Course content may vary from the outline to meet the needs of this particular group.
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Online Library
The Online Library is available to enrolled students and faculty from inside the electronic campus. It provides access to subscription article databases, periodicals, books, video and more to support your research and studies. In addition, the Online Library provides access to special learning resources like tutoring services and, which the University has contracted to boost your academic success.
1. Ask a Librarian: librarians are on duty approximately 18 hours per day, 365 days per year. At, you can search for answers to library questions, or use the “Ask” button to submit a question of your own.
1. Electronic Books and Journals: You can use the online library to access over 150,000 ebooks and 40,000 journals, which are licensed for use by APUS students and faculty only. Visit the Licensed Library Databases guide to explore search options.
1. Research and Writing Help: librarians have created tutorials for college-level research and writing. Click here to explore them all.
1. Online Tutoring : AMU and APU students are eligible for up to 10 free hours of online tutoring provided by APUS. Some military students are eligible for additional hours through their Armed Forces education offices. For more information, visit
1. Interlibrary Loan and other services: when you need a book or article not held in the APUS Online Library, you may request it via interlibrary loan (ILL). Read more about ILL and other library services.
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Selected Bibliography
Link to the APA citation style handbook as provided by the The Owl at Purdue.
Link to the “Cells Alive” site
Link to Nova Online’s Mitosis versus Meiosis Comparison Animation
Link to Meiosis Animation and Cytokinesis
Link to McGraw-Hill’s Mitosis and Cytokinesis Narrated Animation
Link to McGraw-Hill’s Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis Narrated Animation
Link to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Link to an incredible 4+ minute video that takes you on a journey through the human body--A must see!
This web site offers a wonderful narrated animation illustrating the contraction of the heart and its blood flow.
This site offers a narrated animation of the heart's conduction/electrical system.
Link to an animation illustrating action potential propagation in both an unmyelinated and myelinated axon.
Link to an animation illustrating the events which occur as an action potential crosses over a synapse.
Link to a narrated animation of actin and myosin and their interaction during a muscle contraction.
Link to an interactive site illustrating the mechanism of a filament sliding during the contraction of a myofibril.
Link to "Life's Greatest Miracle", an extraordinary program that tracks human development from embryo to newborn.
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