1 km = 0.621371 miles
Continent Total Area (square km) Total Area (square miles) Percentage of Land
Asia 43,820,000
Europe 10,180,000
Africa 30,370,000
North America 24,490,000
South America 17,840,000
Australia 9,008,500
Antarctica 13,720,000
Total Land:
Oceans Total Area (square km) Total Area (square miles) Percentage of Ocean
Pacific 155,557,000
Atlantic 76,762,000
Indian 68,556,000
Southern 20,327,000
Arctic 14,056,000
Total Ocean:
Pie Chart Table
Region Percentage of Earth
North America
South America
The area covered by each of the Earth’s oceans and by each of the continents is given (Continents: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent Oceans: http://www.worldatlas.com/aatlas/infopage/oceans.htm ).
a.) Compute the total area covered by land (Cell B11). Then convert the areas of continents and the total land area to square miles using the km to miles conversion given on the sheet. Compute the percentage each continent is of the total land area. Format as percentage to 1 place.
b.) Compute the total area covered by oceans (Cell B 19). Then convert the areas of oceans and the total ocean area to square miles using the km to miles conversion given on the sheet. Compute the percentage each continent is of the total land area. Format as percentage to 1 place.
c.) In cells B22 & C22, compute the total area of Earth in both square kilometers and square miles.
d.) For the Pie Chart Table, compute the percentage each continent and ocean is of the entire Earth, using cell references in your formulas. Format as percentage to 1 place.
e.) Create a well labeled pie chart of this table.