10 simple multiple choice questions z-test different from z-score analysis, statistics homework help
Question Description
How is the z-test different from z-score analysis? (Points : 1)
The z-test compares a sample to a population.
The z-test calculates a value of z which can be compared to Table A.
The z-test provides a way to evaluate how individuals compare to a population.
The z-test is based on how individual scores compare to a sample mean.
A one-sample t value is statistically significant in which situation? (Points : 1)
The calculated t is equal to or larger than the table value.
The calculated t is equal to or smaller than the table value.
The calculated t is equal to or smaller than .05.
The calculated t is equal to or larger than .05.
What advantage does the one-sample t offer over the z-test? (Points : 1)
The one sample t requires no parameter standard error of the mean.
The one sample t requires no parameter mean.
The one sample t requires no sample mean.
The one sample t doesn’t require interval scale data.