


Academic Mentor


Student Research Writer

Are you in need of a professional aid to work on your research document, thesis, article, book review, reports, manuscript, essay, textbook content, and marketing material ensuring their content is perfect and attractive to audience?

You are at the right place then...

Why me?

1) I am a creative as well as research writer.

2) I hold a Ph.D in International Relations.

3) Professional and high quality work on time/before time.

Something more About Me... I am a professional writer (academic, copy, line and substantive editing) and proofreader offering a good amount of experience in editing a wide range of written stuff. I always look forward for complete precision and utmost degree of professionalism in the work I take up. Ms. perfect is my another name. Ranging from school essays to Ph.D chapters and business documents, I can work on your write-ups to make it fabulous!


Category Business & Management
Subjects Advertising | Auditing | Business Communication | Business Ethics | Business Law | Business Statistics | Capsim & Capstone | Consumer Behavior | Corporate Governance | Economics | Entrepreneurship | Human Resource Management | International Business | Leadership | Macroeconomics | Marketing | Microeconomics | Operations management | Organizational Behavior | Principles of Management | Project Management | Risk Management | Strategic Management | Supply Chain Management |
Skills Dissertation & Thesis Writing | Case Study Writing | Report Writing |


Name Institute Year Completed
Ph.D in Social science Delhi Vishwavidyalaya, India 2018


Company Role From To
Research Assistant ICSSR 2016 2018

1533 Homework Orders Completed

new assignment wk3


new assignment


Motivation and Work


Alternate assignment for CONCERT Report

Great writer a few grammar mistakes but had less than 3 hours to write 4 pages. still did an excellent job


it's ok

I am here


Wells Fargo Fraud

Thank you

Geotechnical Earthquake hw assignment

Completed on time.

CWV POWERPOINT (Origins Reflection)

I like the way of your work dear:)

Marketing Homework

Thanks for deliver my work,,,withindeadline