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Chartered Accountant & Professional Bookkeeper

Hi there,
I am a Chartered Accountant and a Professional Bookkeeper with an experience of four years in the fields of Accounting, Auditing and Online Bookkeeping.

I have been doing Accounting and Bookkeeping over various Accounting Software Packages like Online Quick book, Xero, Sage, zoho, cash flow, Tally and Iris.

I have good experience on my hands for you viz.

*Bookkeeping on Accounting packages.
*Reconciliation for Bank A/C, Creditors, Debtors, Balance Sheet and any needed.
*Good understanding in filing Accounts & Taxes for HMRC & Company house.
*Producing Interim & Final Reports.
* Self-assessment & other fillings.

I can do bookkeeping for your projects remotely from my location and working within your time zone as I can have worked in similar ways many times.

I ensure you that I am the best candidate for this project hired with all the required skills and experience.

Many thanks,


Category Accounting & Finance
Subjects Accounting | Behavioral Finance | Corporate Finance | Finance | Financial Accounting | Financial Econometrics | Financial Risk Management | Managerial Accounting |
Skills Homework Writing | Assignment Writing | Proofreading & Editing |


Name Institute Year Completed
Bachelor in accounting and finance University of Peradeniya 2017


Company Role From To
Board of Investment of Sri Lanka Financial manager 2017 2020

1869 Homework Orders Completed

when are you finishing

great but i don't see my work

Hi How are you doing?

great, I means he is the best.

Under Armour Marketing Plan: Product Identification and SWOT Analysis

not good

Lab # 13: Unknown Bacterial Identification - Sample #1

Highly recommend!


Awesome job!

Late Adulthood Interview

Reliable! Great work!

Microbiology: Strep Throat Discussion

Reliable work!

Lab Report: Aseptic Technique - Broth Culture to Sterile Agar Plate

reliable work! Able to do urgent task

Lab report: Isolation Methods - Quadrant Streak Plate Method

reliable work! Able to do urgent task

Brain Development Discussion

Good job!